Little Things you can do Everyday to Keep In-touch with Your Faith

Hi everyone! Today I thought we would talk about little things you can do throughout the day to keep you connected with Wicca. I know that when we’re busy it can feel like we neglect our faith which can leave us feeling ungrounded. It’s something I struggle with at the very least. So here’s a list of things you can do to get in touch with your spirituality again.

  1. Do a one card tarot/oracle reading
  2. Do a 5-10 minutes meditation
  3. Read a chapter of a Wiccan themed book
  4. Keep a Wicca related journal
  5. Go for a walk
  6. Listen to a Wicca podcast
  7. Watch a video about Wicca
  8. Take a ritual bath
  9. Pray
  10. Decorate your altar
  11. Give an offering
  12. Go out and admire the stars and the moon
  13. Bask in the warmth of the sun
  14. Spend some time tending to your garden/plants
  15. Do some yoga/stretch
  16. Contribute on a Wicca forum (reddit, amino groups, etc)
  17. Press leaves
  18. Go out and hug a tree
  19. Do a little research about a certain topic in Wicca
  20. Do a simple spell 82943104-288-k645281
  21. Sage yourself/your home
  22. Keep a dream journal
  23. Listen to wiccan music
  24. Wear a colour that corresponds with the day of the week
  25. Give yourself a positive affirmation for the day
  26. Write a list of things you’re grateful for
  27. Take a picture of something beautiful in nature
  28. Bird/squirrel watch
  29. Go for a swim
  30. Enjoy a bonfire
  31. Scavenge for altar supplies/decor
  32. Decorate your home for the season
  33. Collect rocks and shells at the ocean
  34. Wear something that makes you feel witchy
  35. Add a little kitchen magick to your supper
  36. Drink some herbal tea
  37. Charge your crystals
  38. Light an incense/use your essential oil diffuser/light some candles
  39. Conserve energy and go a day without turning the lights on
  40. Lay in the grass

That’s all I have for today. I hope this gave you some ideas! If there is something you like to do to stay connected with Wicca let me know down below (along with any other thoughts or questions) and I may just add it to this list. Make sure you check out my instagram so you can stay up to date with me and get insight into my everyday life. Also make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!


Colour Correspondences

Hi everyone! Today we are going to talk about colours and how you can incorporate them into your craft. Colours can be used in lots of different ways. You can wear different colours to help give off certain vibes, to help make you feel a certain way, or to celebrate something. You can also use colours in ritual. You could use a specifically altar cloth or decorate your altar in a certain colour for a particular ritual. If you are casting a spell you can also incorporate different colours to effect your spell in a certain way. Colours are a very easy way to instill change with very minimal effort.


So red is best for anything that has to do with sex, passion, warding, and vigor. It is exceptionally good for sex magick. It is associated with Tuesday, the herb chili, the planet mars, the element fire, and the root chakra. If you’re a taurus, gemini, leo, sagittarius, or capricorn you may want to make this one of your power colours. If you’re decorating your altar for Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Lammas, or Mabon red is your colour


Orange is great for anything that has to do with justice and leadership. It is best for any magick that has to do with Justice. So maybe you want to do a spell to help your local police force find a criminal, etc. It is associated with the herb oregano, the planet mars, and the sacral chakra. Orange is also a great colour to decorate your altar with around Samhain.



Yellow is a great colour for anything to do with friendship or exams. Friendship magick is what it is best for though. So if you’re having a conflict with a friend and you want to find a solution than yellow is your best help. It is associated with the herb citronella, the element air, the planet mercury and the sun, and the solar plexus/navel chakra. If you’re a taurus yellow is one of your power colours. If you’re decorating your altar for Lammas or Mabon Yellow is your colour.


Green is great for anything to do with changing attitudes, weather, prosperity, and is best for fertility magick. It is associated with thursday, the herbs irish moss and feverfew, the planet uranus, and the heart chakra. If you’re a cancer, leo, aquarius, or pisces then green is one of your power colours. If you’re decorating your altar for Yule, Ostara, Litha, or Lammas then you’ll want to make sure you include the colour green.


Blue is great for anything to do with your health, home, confidence, and wisdom. It is best for health and confidence magick. It is associated with Thursday, the herbs rosemary and thistle, the element water, the planet jupiter, and the throat chakra. If you’re a gemini, libra, or aquarius then blue is one of your power colours.


Purple is best for occult knowledge, power, psychic awareness, and blessings. It is associated with Wednesday, the herbs chives and lavender, the planets jupiter and neptune, and the third eye chakra.



Pink is great for anything to do with love or harmony but it best known for love magick (make sure your love magick is not manipulating anyone’s will though). It is associated with Friday, the herb red clover, and the planet venus. If you’re an aries then pink is one of your power colours.


White is great for peace and purification. It is best known for protection magick. It is associated with the herb chamomile, the moon, and the crown chakra. If you’re an aries or pisces then white is one of your power colours. If you’re decorating your altar for imbolc or ostara you’ll want to use white.


Black is great for protection and is best known for curse-breaking magick. It is associated with the planets saturn and pluto. If you’re a virgo, libra, or scorpio then black is one of your power colours. If you’re decorating your altar for Samhain you’ll definitely want to include black.


Brown is great for anything to do with work, animals, travel, and building. It is best for work magick. For example if you need to come up with a new project at work then you might want to try using brown. It is associated with the herbs mandrake and ginger, the element earth, and the planet pluto. If you’re a cancer, scorpio, or capricorn then brown is one of your power colours. If you are decorating your altar for Mabon then brown will be a great colour.



Silver is great for gambling and is best known for luck magick. It is associated with Monday, the herb eyebright, and the moon. If you’re decorating your altar for Ostara then you’ll want to use silver.


Gold is great for beauty and is best known for money magick. It is associated with Sunday, the herb pennyroyal, and the sun. If you’re a virgo or sagittarius then gold is one of your power colours.


Grey is great for patience and is best known for ancestor magick. So if you’re trying to get in contact with your ancestors grey is the colour for you. It is associated with Saturday, the herb sage, and the planet mercury.



Having rainbows around are great for anything to do with faeries (attracting, communicating, spells, rituals, etc). If you’re decorating your altar for beltane you may want to incorporate rainbows in your decor.

Thanks for checking out my post today. Do you agree with all these colour correspondences? let me know down below along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Only 2 more days until the end date for my giveaway so make sure you send me in your entries! Until next time, Blessed Be!

Pagan questions… Get to know me Part 1

Hi everyone, today I thought I would let you guys get to know me a bit better. I am going to be answering questions which are about my beliefs and about my path. I found this little pic and figured I would just answer them all! I will answer about half today and the other half another day. I’m going to try and give just yes or no answers (when possible) since there are a lot of questions but you can feel free to ask me to elaborate on anything in the comments. Also, keep in mind that one question is repeated a lot in the picture below, for some reason. I only answer it once and therefore the question numbers on the pic aren’t going to be the same as how I have them numbered below.


1. How did you find your path?

I had recently stopped being a Christian and was agnostic. I was researching different beliefs and came across Wicca.

2. Are you in or out of the closet?

Well I’m out to all friends, strangers, coworkers, my dad, and my siblings. I’m out to my mom about being pagan in general. However the rest of my family is still mostly under the assumption that I am Christian I think. I do have Wicca as my religion on fb but I didn’t share it to my feed so it’s just there for anyone to stumble upon.

3. Do you have an altar/shrine/sacred space?


4. Your take on the Wheel of the year?

Not quite sure what my take would be… I enjoy the wheel of the year… I wouldn’t change it… I try to celebrate when I can but I find it hard since work only gives me Christian holidays off.

5. What does this time of year mean to you?

Well the end of summer is slowly coming. In a month is the equinox I believe so I am super excited for that. Right now everything is about getting the earth, animals, bugs, etc, ready for the fall. I will admit that I am excited for summer to be over though as it is one of my least favourite seasons.

6. What are your cultural influences?

Well I am white so one can argue that I have no culture. However youtube effects me greatly. The things that I watch like wicca channels, mommy channels, and other stuff effects me a lot; what I aspire to and do.

7. How do you view sacred texts and mythology?

I don’t think I really view any sacred texts. But for viewing mythology I do a lot of research online. I also like to read Rick Riordan books. They are obviously just fiction but they are based on a lot of mythology facts which is a fun way for me to learn.

8. Do you have/how did you find a matron/patron

I do have a matron and patron. I did do a tarot spread to help determine it a bit but I also just felt in my gut who I was drawn to. Gaia and Pan fyi

9. Do you keep a diary/journal of your experiences?


10. What do the moon phases mean to you?

Well obviously they represent the phases of the goddess. It also affects energy levels in the air.

11. What does the sun mean to you?

It represents the god and his strength

12. Do you use divination? What types?

Yes, tarot, oracle, and pendulums typically.

13. What does magick mean to you?

It is a more powerful use of the law of attraction in my opinion. It is an optional part of the path that I think a lot of people deem mandatory.

14. Do you perform spells on a regular basis?


15. What spiritual practice do you do most often?

Divination probably

16. What does the deity/god/divine mean to you?

Well I identify most with the divine. I believe in the universal energy source. I also have deities that I worship however. I do not believe deities are actual being but rather just personified pieces of the universal energy source.

17. How do you feel about group work/worship?

I really enjoyed it as a Christian but it has been so long that I have had the opportunity to worship within a group that I would awkward about it now.

18. What does initiation mean to you?

Initiation is not important to me at all (I’m assuming that this is separate from dedication).

19. Do you have a grimoire/book of shadows?


20. Do you create your own correspondences?

I don’t other than what’s on this site.

21. How important is your diet/magickal use of food?

I wish I prioritized it more. I have certain ethics and morals on food but too lazy and frugal to actually buy what I want to be eating. As for food and magick, I don’t typically mix those.

Thanks for checking out today’s post! Feel free to ask me about any specifics down below along with any other thoughts or questions. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post here and upload videos to youtube. Lastly, if you’d like to enter my giveaway, in thanks for 100 subscribers, all you have to do is send me a blog/video request. You can send it in the comments of a blog, video, or twitter, through my email, etc. Each request counts as one entry. The winner gets a free tarot reading or reiki session, their choice. The giveaway ends August 16th. Until next time, Blessed Be!