No Tools Needed Mabon Ritual

Hi everyone! This weekend is Mabon so I thought I would leave you all with a ritual that you could do to celebrate the holiday. I got this ritual from I hope you find it useful for your celebrations. It was created for someone who has no Wiccan tools so you can add your own little flare to it if you’d like to add your tools to the workings of the ritual.


Things you need

  • 1 item to represent Water (a seashell, a picture of the sea, a river rock, etc.)
  • 1 item to represent Air (a feather, a fan, a reed, etc.)
  • 1 item to represent Earth (a rock, a flower, etc.)
  • 1 item to represent Fire (a candle, a lava rock, a picture of a campfire, etc.)
  • 1 bowl or basket full of offerings (this can be fruit, bread, pretty leaves, flowers, dried herbs, pine cones, acorns, twigs, and other things you pick up on nature walks)
  • 1 black stone (painted if need be) Could also use a black candle 
  • 1 white stone (painted if need be) Could also use a white candle
  • 1 cup of juice or wine (or water if nothing else)
  • 1 plate with a muffin (corn, apple, or if need be just a slice of bread or a few crackers)
  • 4 small bowls or cups (if holding the rite indoors)
  • Incense in a holder (completely optional—stick or cone is fine)
  • Music (completely optional)

Starting the ritual

Cast your circle using your preferred methods. When you’ve done that you need to summon the elements. You can turn to each directions, starting in the west and say:

I call to the Powers of the West and the Element of Water; let your intuition flow as I celebrate the rites of the Second Harvest.

I call to the Powers of the North and the Element of Air; let me breathe in your wisdom as I celebrate the rites of the Second Harvest.

I call to the Powers of the East and the Element of Earth; let me be grounded in your strength as I celebrate the rites of the Second Harvest.

I call to the Powers of the South and the Element of Fire; let your spark energize me as I celebrate the rites of the Second Harvest.

Go back to the center of the circle and call your deities in any way you like.

The actual ritual

Take a moment to feel the presence of your deities. When you’re ready, pick up the black and white stones (or candles if you choose to use those instead), with one in each hand. Say:

Day and night hang in the balance; Today, in equal measure, they meet.

Tomorrow, the dark takes over the year, and the hours of light retreat.

The darkness ushers in the chill, with leaves that whirl and winds that howl,

The snows may fall, the rains may cease, with empty fields and barren bough.

Dearest God, in Your waning strength, You move towards Your deathly sleep,

Yet memories of Summer shall warm my soul, and the promise of Spring I keep.

Lovely Goddess, in Your womb is the secret of what lies in store;

Rebirth of our God, rebirth of our Light, and rebirth of our land evermore.

For the mystery that you’ve taught me of the cycles of season are not in vain:

The darkness does pass, the light does return, and that which falls rises again.

Place the stones (or candles) in the offering basket. Sit and meditate for a while, if you like.


When you’re ready, pick up the juice, hold it up and say:

Bless this juice, infused with your love that is poured on the Earth;

As you’ve freely given, I freely give in return;

Accept my thanks and love at this Harvest season for Your bounty.

Pour a libation (a small amount) into the basket of offerings.

Stand up and go to the Western quarter. Pour out a small splash of drink on the ground (or into the bowl if you’re doing this indoors), then move to the North, East, and South, in turn, saying:

May the delicate balance of nature’s energies every flow in harmony,

With the Goddess and God, with each other, and within me.

Take a sip of the drink and place the cup down back on your altar. Next, pick up the muffin or bread. Hold it up and say:

Bless this grain, infused with your love that springs forth from the Earth.

As you’ve freely given, I freely give in return;

Accept my thanks and love at this Harvest season for Your bounty.

Break off a piece and put it into the offering basket. Then walk around the circle, sprinkling some crumbs at each of the four quarters, starting in the West, as you say:

May the cycles of the seasons keep turning,

May the Power of the Wheel keeps burning,

So mote it be!

Take a bite of the remaining bread. Sit and enjoy your simple feast.

Ending the ritual

Now is a good time in your ritual to do any divination or magickal workings that pertain to the holiday. When you’ve done all it is that you want to do you can close the ritual. Simply turn to each quarter in turn (starting in the West again), thanking each Elemental energy and bidding it go in peace. Bid farewell to your gods as well, with these or similar words:

In life there is death; in death there is life. And the circle ever goes on.

My thanks and praise go with you this season, in celebration of this Mabon.

For the season does turn you toward slumber as we move toward the icy realm of the North;

But Your presence remains in my mind and my heart, and I carry you with me henceforth.

All that’s left to do is clean up and head home for a quiet, peaceful evening.

I hope you all enjoy and that you have a very blessed Mabon. Let me know what you’re going to do for the sabbat down below along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you check out my instagram to get updates and see into my everyday life. Also make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!


Colour Correspondences

Hi everyone! Today we are going to talk about colours and how you can incorporate them into your craft. Colours can be used in lots of different ways. You can wear different colours to help give off certain vibes, to help make you feel a certain way, or to celebrate something. You can also use colours in ritual. You could use a specifically altar cloth or decorate your altar in a certain colour for a particular ritual. If you are casting a spell you can also incorporate different colours to effect your spell in a certain way. Colours are a very easy way to instill change with very minimal effort.


So red is best for anything that has to do with sex, passion, warding, and vigor. It is exceptionally good for sex magick. It is associated with Tuesday, the herb chili, the planet mars, the element fire, and the root chakra. If you’re a taurus, gemini, leo, sagittarius, or capricorn you may want to make this one of your power colours. If you’re decorating your altar for Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Lammas, or Mabon red is your colour


Orange is great for anything that has to do with justice and leadership. It is best for any magick that has to do with Justice. So maybe you want to do a spell to help your local police force find a criminal, etc. It is associated with the herb oregano, the planet mars, and the sacral chakra. Orange is also a great colour to decorate your altar with around Samhain.



Yellow is a great colour for anything to do with friendship or exams. Friendship magick is what it is best for though. So if you’re having a conflict with a friend and you want to find a solution than yellow is your best help. It is associated with the herb citronella, the element air, the planet mercury and the sun, and the solar plexus/navel chakra. If you’re a taurus yellow is one of your power colours. If you’re decorating your altar for Lammas or Mabon Yellow is your colour.


Green is great for anything to do with changing attitudes, weather, prosperity, and is best for fertility magick. It is associated with thursday, the herbs irish moss and feverfew, the planet uranus, and the heart chakra. If you’re a cancer, leo, aquarius, or pisces then green is one of your power colours. If you’re decorating your altar for Yule, Ostara, Litha, or Lammas then you’ll want to make sure you include the colour green.


Blue is great for anything to do with your health, home, confidence, and wisdom. It is best for health and confidence magick. It is associated with Thursday, the herbs rosemary and thistle, the element water, the planet jupiter, and the throat chakra. If you’re a gemini, libra, or aquarius then blue is one of your power colours.


Purple is best for occult knowledge, power, psychic awareness, and blessings. It is associated with Wednesday, the herbs chives and lavender, the planets jupiter and neptune, and the third eye chakra.



Pink is great for anything to do with love or harmony but it best known for love magick (make sure your love magick is not manipulating anyone’s will though). It is associated with Friday, the herb red clover, and the planet venus. If you’re an aries then pink is one of your power colours.


White is great for peace and purification. It is best known for protection magick. It is associated with the herb chamomile, the moon, and the crown chakra. If you’re an aries or pisces then white is one of your power colours. If you’re decorating your altar for imbolc or ostara you’ll want to use white.


Black is great for protection and is best known for curse-breaking magick. It is associated with the planets saturn and pluto. If you’re a virgo, libra, or scorpio then black is one of your power colours. If you’re decorating your altar for Samhain you’ll definitely want to include black.


Brown is great for anything to do with work, animals, travel, and building. It is best for work magick. For example if you need to come up with a new project at work then you might want to try using brown. It is associated with the herbs mandrake and ginger, the element earth, and the planet pluto. If you’re a cancer, scorpio, or capricorn then brown is one of your power colours. If you are decorating your altar for Mabon then brown will be a great colour.



Silver is great for gambling and is best known for luck magick. It is associated with Monday, the herb eyebright, and the moon. If you’re decorating your altar for Ostara then you’ll want to use silver.


Gold is great for beauty and is best known for money magick. It is associated with Sunday, the herb pennyroyal, and the sun. If you’re a virgo or sagittarius then gold is one of your power colours.


Grey is great for patience and is best known for ancestor magick. So if you’re trying to get in contact with your ancestors grey is the colour for you. It is associated with Saturday, the herb sage, and the planet mercury.



Having rainbows around are great for anything to do with faeries (attracting, communicating, spells, rituals, etc). If you’re decorating your altar for beltane you may want to incorporate rainbows in your decor.

Thanks for checking out my post today. Do you agree with all these colour correspondences? let me know down below along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Only 2 more days until the end date for my giveaway so make sure you send me in your entries! Until next time, Blessed Be!

All About Storms

Hi everyone. We have a risk of thunderstorms where I live today so, I thought we would talk about storms and how we can utilize them as Wiccans.

First thing to think about is that storms (especially thunderstorms) are a large surge of energy. This energy is definitely something you can use to your advantage. If you are making a sacred circle, for any reason really, you can channel that energy or invite that energy into your circle to help make whatever you’re doing stronger. Whether or not you channel or invite is totally up to you. Channeling is going to take more technique obviously. From what I understand, in order to channel the energy of the storm you are going to want to be good at meditating. If you read my posts you will know meditation is not my forte. I would probably go on to invite the storm energy into my circle instead. I would do this the same way that I would invite the elements, deities, or spirits into my circle and just hope they bless me with their presence.


If you are using the energy of the storm for any magickal workings you may want to know what type of storm is going to best match your intent. So here are a few different types of storms and what type of magick it goes best with.

  • Regular Rain Storms are good for purification, love, healing, friendships, beauty, youth, releasing negative energies, thoughts and emotions.
  • Heavy Wind Storms are a good time for mental spells, studies, travel, breaking addictions and habits. Sending messages to others, both living and dead. And wishes.
  • Snow Storms are for purification, healing matters of the heart, transformational magick, change, protection, and renewal.
  • Fire Storms. This is when the searing heat of the Sun causes a blaze of fire to the land, and the winds sweep it across. It happens on a yearly basis here in California. Protection, courage, power, banishment, and commanding/oath spells are done during this time. Very dangerous though, one would need to be close to the flaming storm.
  • Storms during an Eclipse. These storms are rare, and because of such are extremely powerful. I have been told that these times of great power can be channeled to cure diseases, and banish unwanted energies, as well as successful exorcisms, if you believe in that.

Something to keep in mind is you will likely best connect with the type of storm that you are a sign of. So if you are a fire sign you will likely best connect with fire storms or even a lightning storm. If you are an air sign you would best connect with a wind storm. If you are a water sign you would best connect with a rainstorm or snow storm. If you are an earth sign you would probably be best for a lightning storm (as the lightning storm touches the ground and is in the sky at essentially the same time). If you are familiar with the element chaos (it does not replace one of the main four but rather can go with it. Chaos is an element that I connect with, along with fire) then you can probably connect with any storm, as storms are chaos in and of themselves.

However, that’s all for today! Have you ever used storm energy in your magickal workings or anything like that? Let me know down below along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Also, make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Energy Boosting Spells

Hi everyone! I don’t know about you but I am just exhausted all the time. If you could see me right now you’d see I’m falling asleep as I write this, as I just got off a long day at work. So I thought what would be a good thing to write about today? A few good spells to give you that little boost of energy you need without consuming absurd amounts of coffee or those deathly energy drinks. These spells are one’s I got from the internet and I will leave the links to them down below. For the most part they will be the same as they will originally written but I may adjust just a little bit to suit my preferences better.

The first spell is called Energy boost and the link to the original post is here

Try saying this spell to ask the element of fire for the gift of its power and vitality:

“Fire bright and fire strong,
Give me energy all day long.
With your warm and gentle fire,
Keep me going when I tire.”

I think this is a really nice an simple spells. I think there are numerous ways you could go about casting this. You could probably cast it just by saying it in a sacred circle. You could also say this while holding and focusing on a beverage (tea, coffee, water, etc) and infuse the drink with your intent. I think you could also just say this at any point of the day when you’re feeling sleepy. It’s totally up to you.


The next spell didn’t really have a name but you can find it here.

The thought process behind this spell was the author believes if one is tired it means your connection to the elements are unbalanced and this should rebalance them causing you to feel more energized.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: a quiet space, calming incense and a candle 

Sit comfortably in the centre of the room, and bring your focus to your breathing.

After a few minutes, harmonise your elements. Summon Earth from the north to connect to your energy. Earth governs your relationship to the material world and keeps you grounded.

Call the element of air – your intellect, thinking and communication skills – from the east.

Next, order fire – your courage, strength and dynamism – from the south, and water – your emotions, intuition and healing balance – from the west.

Finally, focus on your connection to the divine: request the universal energy source/your deities to pour white light into your body, from the top of your head all the way through to your feet.

Hopefully this spell helps you too!

A few other great things you can do to help combat fatigue is reiki and meditation. You could also make a jar spell to help energize you. If you’d like to see a spell like that let me know down below and I will create one for you all! However depending on why you’re tired you may need to take a totally different route. If your issue is not getting a good amount of sleep in the first place, you may want to focus on sleeping spells instead of energy boosting spells.

Thank you for checking out today’s post! I hope you enjoyed it. I’ve been thinking about making a post about my plants that I have and how to care for them; you should let me know if you’d be interested in seeing a post about that, along with any other energy boosting spells you have, any thoughts, and/or questions you have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post here and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Bonfire Litha Ritual

Hi everyone! Today I thought I would make a post to our Book of Shadows for Litha. I don’t know about you but I love bonfires so I feel like this is the perfect ritual for me and hopefully for you too! I got this ritual from

Prep work

  1. Cast your circle however you prefer to do it.
  2. Prepare the wood for a fire, without lighting it yet.
  3. Meditate/ground yourself
  4. Call upon whoever you would like to invite to your ritual

The Ritual

Say either to yourself or out loud:

Today, to celebrate Midsummer, I honor the Earth itself. I am surrounded by tall trees. There is a clear sky above me and cool dirt beneath me, and I am connected to all three. I light this fire as the Ancients did so long ago.


At this point, start your fire. Say:

The Wheel of the Year has turned once more
The light has grown for six long months
Until today.

Today is Litha, called Alban Heruin by my ancestors.
A time for celebration.
Tomorrow the light will begin to fade
As the Wheel of the Year
Turns on and ever on.


Turn to the East, and say:

From the east comes the wind,
Cool and clear.
It brings new seeds to the garden
Bees to the pollen
And birds to the trees.


Turn to face the South, and say:

The sun rises high in the summer sky
And lights our way even into the night
Today the sun casts three rays
The light of fire upon the land, the sea, and the heavens


Turn to face West, saying:

From the west, the mist rolls in
Bringing rain and fog
The life-giving water without which
We would cease to be.


Finally, turn to the North, and say:

Beneath my feet is the Earth,
Soil dark and fertile
The womb in which life begins
And will later die, then return anew.


Build up the fire even more, so that you have a good strong blaze going.


If you wish to make an offering to the gods, now is the time to do it. For this sample, we’re including the use of a triple goddess in the invocation, but this is where you should substitute the names of the deities of your personal tradition.



Alban Heruin is a time of rededication
To the gods.
 The triple goddess watches over me.
She is known by many names.
She is the Morrighan, Brighid, and Cerridwen.
She is the washer at the ford,
She is the guardian of the hearth,
She is the one who stirs the cauldron of inspiration.


I give honor to You, O mighty ones,
By all your names, known and unknown.
Bless me with Your wisdom
And give life and abundance to me
As the sun gives life and abundance to the Earth.


I make this offering to you
To show my allegiance
To show my honor
To show my dedication
To You.


Cast your offering into fire. Conclude the ritual by saying:

Today, at Litha, I celebrate the life
And love of the gods
And of the Earth and Sun.


Take a few moments to reflect upon what you have offered, and what the gifts of the gods mean to you. When you are ready, if you have cast a circle, dismantle it or dismiss the quarters at this time. Allow your fire to go out on its own.

That is all for today’s video! I hope you enjoyed! What are you going to do to celebrate Litha? Let me know down below in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you may have. Also, make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Car Protection Spell

Hello everyone! On the last full moon I decided that I wanted to create a spell bag for my car. I get really bad road anxiety and thought maybe this will help calm my nerves. So below is the spell I made. *disclaimer* I didn’t make up the words however. I found them on pinterest.


  1. A little cloth or mesh bag
  2. Cinnamon for protection
  3. Ginger to make the spell more powerful
  4. Sage for protection
  5. Salt for protection
  6. Black tourmaline for protection
  7. Clear quartz to boost the spell
  8. Rose Quartz because it is my favourite and brings me peace (sub with your favourite or ignore)
  9. Reiki symbol for protection (if you aren’t trained in reiki feel free to skip this one or put in another sigil)

Image result for sigil for protection


7. Sigil sewn to outside of bag for protection





  1. Create a sacred circle using your preferred method (I use sage and my athame)
  2. Call upon your desired gods and goddesses to help you (I called on Hercules and Gaia), air (for safe travels), and fire (to power the spell)
  3. Sew on the sigil
  4. As you fill the bag with your ingredients chant:

On this night, I invoke the powers of fire and air (add names of gods and goddesses if you like) to protect me from all that would harm me, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.

5. Now you are done creating the bag. Bring the bag to your car and tie it to your rearview window with three knots. (You could also just tie the knots and then put the bag in the glove compartment) As you tie the knots say:

With each knot, I bind this spell

Safety, protection, all is well

Sheltered and shielded, this vehicle shall be

Three times three, SO MOTE IT BE!

I hope you get some use out of my spell. Let me know what you think of it in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post. Don’t forget about my youtube either! I upload a video every Thursday. Until next time Merry Meet and Blessed Be.



Cilantro and coriander come from the same plant and depending on where you are from are used interchangeably so for the sake of this post I will treat them as the same thing.

Cilantro has many magickal uses, the main one being love. Some of the other uses of it is for clairvoyance, divination, fertility, gain, health, healing, keeping secrets, passion, peace, protection, retention, and weddings.

Cilantro is associated with the planet mars, masculine energy, and the element of fire.

When used in spells it is great for love sachets and spells (remember though love spells have to be worded in a way that manipulates no ones personal will). You can add the powder of the seeds to wine to make a potion of lust (red wine would likely be best for this), you can hang in the home for protection, and you can use it crushed in drinks (like the wine) or in incense if you want to burn it). If you celebrate the great rite this is great to add to an elixir for your celebration. You can also through this instead of rice at a handfasting or add it to the handfasting cake.

If you like to use herbs to help with illness cilantro/coriander is best used for these ailments: digestive complications such as dyspepsia, stomachache, loss of appetite, and flatulence. I personally would brew a tea with cilantro/coriander in it to help relieve these issues.

Thanks for reading! Leave any thoughts or questions in the comments. Also, make sure to follow me here and on twitter to get notifications when I post. Until next time, Merry Meet and Blessed Be.

Midsummer/Litha Ritual

Today I thought it would be fun to add more to our book of shadows since I’ve been slack with it. Since Midsummer/Litha is coming up on June 21st (I’ll be writing a whole post about it on Wednesday) I thought having a new ritual for the day would be a good idea. I found this ritual on and thought it was pretty fun. I am also going to have possible adjustments for those of us Wiccans with less of a budget/inventory.

In addition to your usual magical tools, you will need:

  • A Golden Yellow Alter Cloth (I would likely skip this step as I don’t have any altar cloths… you could use a scarf, blanket, or towel though)

  • Small Cloth Pouch of Summertime Herbs (I would just have the herbs and skip the pouch)

  • Cauldron (I use a tin bucket from the dollarstore)

  • 1cup Fresh Spring Water (any water will do, you could even collect fresh rain water and charge it under the sun)

  • Red Sun God Candle

  • Green Earth Goddess Candle

  • Summer Blend Incense (I use lavender)

Sweep area moving in deosil manor. Set up Quarter Candles and any accessories symbolizing the Elements of the Quarters. Decorate the alter with seasonal flowers, especially Sunflowers. Prepare your Pouch of Summertime Herbs, and as you make it, pour your troubles, pains, sorrows, illness, and regrets into it (You could instead pour your herbs in a bowl). Place the Cauldron in the center of your alter, the Red Sun candle to the right of it , the Green Goddess Candle to the left of it. Place the cup of Fresh Spring Water in front of the Goddess Candle. Take a shower or bath for purification. Sit quietly and meditate for a while, then ground and center. When ready, play some peaceful music for the ritual.

Cast the circle…….Pick up your Wand (you can use your athame as well or just your finger), and with arms upraised, face South and say:

“I celebrate the Mid-of-Summer, held in honor of the Blazing Sun God. All of Nature vibrates with the fertileness of the Goddess and of the God.   The Earth basks in the light and life of the Sun.
The ever turning Wheel of the Year has made the light ever stronger And the light has kept growing longer, until today…
The middle of the time of light, Litha, MidSummer’s Day, Summer Solstice.
From here, the light begins to fade, again, until once more the Wheel turns to the time of darkness, Yule, Winter Solstice.
Yet, for today, the Sun is high, the light is bright, the Earth is warm. As the Sun God blazes above, may the fires of my rite flame below.”

Face the alter, put down your wand, and light the Green Goddess Candle to the left of your cauldron, saying:

“Oh, Mother of Nature, She that brings the meadow to bloom, Green Forest Mother, from lakes and streams your children spring forth. Blessed Lady of the stars and the Moon, Fruitful Womb of which I honor, and ask of Thee, Thy Blessings.” 

Light the Red Sun God Candle to the right of your cauldron, saying:

“Oh, Father of all things, He that plants the seed and nurtures Life.   God of Fertility and Fruitfulness, from hill and forest your children emerge.   Blessed Lord of the blazing Sun, potent Consort of which I honor, and of Thee, Thy Blessings.” 

Take the Herb Pouch (or bowl) and hold above your head, saying:

“By thy power, oh sacred herbs, may the Lord of the Sun Burn away the hurtful, the troublesome, and the painful, Leaving me purified through His warmth and Light.”

Hold the pouch over your main Alter Candle to take flame. While it is burning, drop it in the cauldron (instead of this I would put a tealight in my cauldron and sprinkle the herbs over the flame), saying:

“Great Goddess and Great God, from Thee all powers flow forth.
The Two that are One, Great Spirit of All-That-Is,
By Thy powers, and the powers of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth,
By Thy powers, and the powers of the Sun, Moon, and Stars,
I banish these negatives from my life.”

Visualize the negatives burning away to nothingness. When all that is left is ashes, douse the ashes with the cup of Fresh Spring Water, feel as if the water were being poured over you and your negatives washed away. Air dry by dancing and running your hands up and down your arms, body, and legs. Don’t forget your head… lay it back and shake running your fingers through your hair. When done, face alter, wave hand over the cauldron and say:

“As the Phoenix rises from the ashes, so let this water be pure and new.
Mother Goddess, bless this water so that it may bless and renew me.
Father God, may your rays of the MidSummer Sun bless and nourish me.
Two that are One, may your blessings sustain me as I journey, anew.”

Pass your cupped hands over the cauldron, pausing briefly each time to ‘ pour ‘ in wishes for health, prosperity, and good fortune to be part of your life. Dip the forefinger of your right hand into the cauldron water, and trace a pentagram on your forehead, saying:

“Let my mind be open to the truth.” 

Anoint your lips saying:

“Let my lips always speak the truth.”

Anoint your heart area, saying:

“Let my heart seek the ways of the Goddess, now and always.” 

Anoint the centers of your palms, saying:

“Let my hands be gifted to work in magickal ways.”

Anoint the soles of your feet, saying:

“Let my feet ever walk upon the sacred paths!” 

Now is the time for meditation, divination, and any spellworkings. MidSummer spellworkings include: prosperity, fertility, and plentiful harvests. Finish by having the Cakes and Ale Ceremony and releasing the circle. Clean up. The Ritual is done.

Remember there is no right or wrong way to do a ritual so if something in this ritual doesn’t feel right to you, don’t do it, or substitute other things in. Also, if you want some ideas on summer herbs try these mugwort, vervain, chamomile, rose, honeysuckle, lily, oak, lavender, ivy, yarrow, fern, elder, wild thyme, daisy, carnation, and St. John’s Wort.

If you have any thoughts or questions please leave them in the comments! If you’d like to stock up for this or any other ritual check out the Mystical Moon Online Store here: Mystical Moon Online Store. Merry Meet and Blessed Be.

Chakras: The Third Eye and The Crown Chakras

So in the last two weeks we’ve talked about what chakras are as a whole and specifically about the root, sacral, navel, heart, and throat chakras. You can check out those two posts here Chakras: The Root and Sacral Chakras and here Chakras: The Navel, Heart, and Throat Chakras. This week we’ll be talking about the last two chakras: the third eye and the crown chakras.

The Third Eye


Colour: Purple/indigo

Location: Forehead between the eyes

Element: Light

The Third eye is all about intuition and visualization. 

When open: you will have a well developed sense of intuition.

When under-active: You aren’t very good at thinking for yourself and tend to depend on those of higher authority to make decisions. Your thinking is rigid as you tend to rely on your beliefs too much. You may find you are easily confused.

When over-active: You tend to live in a fantasy world.

Healing and Balancing the third eye chakra:

  1. Reiki
  2. Crystal healing (amethyst, purple fluorite, moonstone, quartz, lapis lazuli, and howlite chakra stone)
  3. Essential oils (juniper, clary sage, rosemary, sandalwood, lemon, thyme)
  4. Chakra mudra ( On your right hand touch the tips of your thumb; index; and middle fingers together, curl in ring finger, and extend your pinky. Touch the tips of the thumb, index, and middle fingers to the space between your brow. You can leave the left hand palm up on your left thigh.)
  5. Chakra sound Therapy (The sound SHAM is the mantra that connects with the third eye. The vibrations of the mantra match perfectly with the vibrations of the third eye)
  6. Meditation (Envision a bright ball of violet light at the space between your brows. Imagine it getting brighter and brighter as it makes it’s way down the throat, heart, navel, pelvis, the base of your spine, and down your legs to your feet. You can also practice the chakra mudra and mantra during your meditation.)
  7. Natural healing methods (basking in the sun, lying quietly with an eye pillow, logic puzzle, brain training exercises)

The Crown Chakra


Colour: Violet/white

Location: Very top of head

Element: Thought

The crown chakra is all about wisdom and being one of this world. 

When open: You hold no prejudice and are aware of the world around you and yourself.

When under-active: You are not spiritually aware. You are likely very rigid in the way you think.

When over-active: You are addicted to spirituality. You aren’t grounded and are likely ignoring bodily needs. 

Healing and balancing the crown chakra:

  1. Reiki
  2. Crystal healing (citrine, topaz, tiger eye, and yellow jasper)
  3. Essential oils (frankincense, rosewood, jasmine, rose, and neroli)
  4. Chakra mudra (touch your index fingers together, touch your thumbs together, remaining fingers extend, raise 6-7 inches above the crown of your head)
  5. Chakra sound therapy (The sound OM is the mantra who’s frequencies perfectly matches the vibrations of the crown chakra)
  6. Meditation (envision a bright white ball of energy at the crown of your head. See it get brighter as it goes down your forehead, throat, heart, navel, pelvis, to the base of your spine, down your legs, and out your feet. You are encased in the bright white light. You can also do the chakra mantra and/or mudra during this time.)
  7. Natural healing methods (meditation, spiritual practice, singing hymns, and prayer)

I hope you enjoyed learning about the chakras these last 3 weeks. Make sure to leave a comments if you have any thoughts or questions. Also make sure you follow my blog so you get a notification when I post. Merry Meet and Blessed Be!


Chakras: The Navel, Heart, and Throat Chakras

Last week we talked about what chakras are and about the specifics of the root and sacral chakra. You can check that post here Chakras: The Root and Sacral Chakras. This week we are going to be talking about the specifics of the Navel, Heart, and throat chakras.

The Navel Chakra (AKA the Solar Plexus Chakra)


Colour: Yellow

Location: At your navel which is around your belly button.

Element: Fire

The Navel chakra is about asserting yourself in a group.

When opened: You will have a sufficient self esteem

When under-active: You are likely indecisive and passive. You are probably shy and timid which results in you not getting what you want.

When over-active: You are likely bossy, aggressive, and domineering.

Healing and Balancing the navel chakra:

  1. Reiki
  2. Crystal Healing (citrine, topaz, tiger eye, and yellow jasper)
  3. Essential oils (juniper, cedarwood, black pepper, hyssop, marjoram, cardamom, lemon, and vetiver)
  4. Chakra Mudra (This mudra is activated when you place you hand on your thighs, touch the tips of the thumb, index, and ring fingers together, straighten your pinky and middle finger)
  5. Chakra sound therapy (the sound “RAM” is the Mantra that connects with the navel chakra. The frequency of RAM perfectly matches the vibrations of the Navel Chakra)
  6. Meditation (Imagine a yellow ball of energy shining at your navel that gets brighter as it travels down your pelvis, down to the base of your spine, and down your legs to your feet. You can also practice the Mudra and Mantra while you meditate)
  7. Natural healing methods (sitting, dancing, singing, and laughing with friends around a bonfire)

The Heart Chakra


Colour: Green

Location: Your heart/chest

Element: Air

The heart chakra is all about love, compassion, and kindness.

When open: You are compassionate and friendly. You work at having harmonious relationships

When under-active: You can be cold and distant. You may have a hard time opening up to others.

When over-active: You tend to smother people with your love to the point of it being overwhelming. Your love also likely has selfish intentions.

Healing and Balancing the heart chakra:

  1. Reiki
  2. Crystal Healing (emerald, green jade, rose quartz, green tourmaline)
  3. Essential oils (lavender, rose, chamomile, jasmine, frankincense)
  4. Chakra Mudra (with palms at your heart, touch outer edges of both pinkies and thumbs together, press heels of palms together, extend tips of all 10 fingers.)
  5. Chakra sound therapy (the mantra for the heart chakra is “YAM”. The frequency of the word and the vibrations of the heart chakra match perfectly.
  6. Meditation (imagine a green ball of energy at your hearts center that shines brighter as it travels down to your navel, your pelvis, the base of your spine, and down your legs to your feet.
  7. Natural healing methods (drive with the windows down, fly a kite)


The Throat Chakra


Colour: Blue

Location: Your throat

Element: Sound/Music

The throat chakra is about self expression and talking. 

When open: you can clearly articulate what you have to say and have no issues expressing yourself.

When under-active: you may be quiet and shy. You are likely an introvert and keep to yourself. Something that can cause a block in this chakra is lying.

When over-active: You tend to be too talkative and not a very good listener.

Healing and Balancing the throat chakra:

  1. Reiki
  2. Healing crystals (turquoise, aquamarine, blue opal, blue agate, lapis, sapphire, blue topaz)
  3. Essential oils (tea tree, rosemary, sage, breathe)
  4. Chakra Mudra (interlace last three fingers together inside your hands, touch the tip of your index finger and thumb of the same hands making a ring on each hand, interlock the rings, hold in front of your throat)5ThroatMudura-edited
  5. Chakra sound therapy (the throat chakra mantra is “HAM”. The frequency of this mantra and the vibrations of the throat chakra match perfectly.)
  6. Meditation (envision a ball of blue light at your throat chakra and imagine it getting brighter as it travels down to your heart, your navel, your pelvis, the base of your spine, and down your legs to your feet. You can also practice the throat mudra and mantra while meditating)
  7. Natural healing methods (sing a song, call a friend, and write a letter to someone)

Thank you so much for reading everyone. Next week we will finish this be talking about the third eye and crown chakras. If you have any thoughts or questions please leave them in the comments. Make sure to subscribe so you get notifications when I post. Merry Meet and Blessed Be!