Little Things you can do Everyday to Keep In-touch with Your Faith

Hi everyone! Today I thought we would talk about little things you can do throughout the day to keep you connected with Wicca. I know that when we’re busy it can feel like we neglect our faith which can leave us feeling ungrounded. It’s something I struggle with at the very least. So here’s a list of things you can do to get in touch with your spirituality again.

  1. Do a one card tarot/oracle reading
  2. Do a 5-10 minutes meditation
  3. Read a chapter of a Wiccan themed book
  4. Keep a Wicca related journal
  5. Go for a walk
  6. Listen to a Wicca podcast
  7. Watch a video about Wicca
  8. Take a ritual bath
  9. Pray
  10. Decorate your altar
  11. Give an offering
  12. Go out and admire the stars and the moon
  13. Bask in the warmth of the sun
  14. Spend some time tending to your garden/plants
  15. Do some yoga/stretch
  16. Contribute on a Wicca forum (reddit, amino groups, etc)
  17. Press leaves
  18. Go out and hug a tree
  19. Do a little research about a certain topic in Wicca
  20. Do a simple spell 82943104-288-k645281
  21. Sage yourself/your home
  22. Keep a dream journal
  23. Listen to wiccan music
  24. Wear a colour that corresponds with the day of the week
  25. Give yourself a positive affirmation for the day
  26. Write a list of things you’re grateful for
  27. Take a picture of something beautiful in nature
  28. Bird/squirrel watch
  29. Go for a swim
  30. Enjoy a bonfire
  31. Scavenge for altar supplies/decor
  32. Decorate your home for the season
  33. Collect rocks and shells at the ocean
  34. Wear something that makes you feel witchy
  35. Add a little kitchen magick to your supper
  36. Drink some herbal tea
  37. Charge your crystals
  38. Light an incense/use your essential oil diffuser/light some candles
  39. Conserve energy and go a day without turning the lights on
  40. Lay in the grass

That’s all I have for today. I hope this gave you some ideas! If there is something you like to do to stay connected with Wicca let me know down below (along with any other thoughts or questions) and I may just add it to this list. Make sure you check out my instagram so you can stay up to date with me and get insight into my everyday life. Also make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!


Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Two of Pentacles

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When pulled upright this card is about balance. It seems like right now money may be a bit tight but you’ve found a way to balance it out. However you are teetering the edge and one wrong financial decision could ruin that balance. This balance could also be about trying to keep two aspects of your life in balance. It could be anything, your job, school, money, health, love, etc. Regardless this card is saying there are two aspects that you are extremely concerned about. You need to step back from the situation and gain a better perspective. Multitasking seems likes the most efficient course of action but in reality it will just make the situation worse. Take the time to really focus on what it is you’re concerned about. When it comes to the subject of love this card is suggesting that you don’t have the time or energy needed to invest in your partner to make them happy. Your relationship with your partner should be at the top of your priority list but given the stress you’ve been in by keeping everything in balance they have been put to the side a bit. When it comes to your finances this card is saying you need to make sure you are completely aware of the state it is in. Take this time to really watch what you’re spending and secure a steady stream of income so you can make a good foundation for your future. And when it comes to your health this card is reminding you to do some self care. When you have a lot of responsibilities it is easy to stop considering your own needs and wants  but you need to try and find a balance.

When pulled in reverse this card is saying you have too many things you’re trying to do in your life right now. Give yourself a little responsibility free break to de-stress. When it comes to work getting this card in reverse can be a good sign. Try not to commit yourself to a lot of things as it will likely overwhelm you. When it comes to finances this card can suggest that you might be overspending. You really need to think about your income and where it is all being spent as overspending can cause issues in the future.

Here is a tarot spread to help you achieve balance in your life. First I would take the card out and meditate on it thinking about what aspect(s) of your life could use some more balance. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for reading! What has the two of pentacles been telling you lately? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you check out my instagram to stay up to date with me, and don’t forget to follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!


Aquamarine is associated with the moon, the colour turquoise, and the element water. It is associated with the god Poseidon/Neptune. It helps with psychic ability, courage, peace, and purification.

Aquamarine is known for enlightenment, spiritual awareness, and making you more in tune with your own emotions. It is great for helping sooth your mind from any worries or stress, it is great for heartache, as well as helping to ease physical pain and discomfort.  It is said to help you with your relationships, be it romantic or platonic. If you are experiencing self doubt or any sort of turmoil aquamarine can counteract it making you feel at peace. This stone is said to increase your intelligence which will help you come up with quick solutions which should help you in your work/school/life in general. This crystal is thought to have such high positive vibrations that it can overpower evil making it a very good protective stone as well.

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When it comes to helping your physical body it is thought that it is an all purpose healing stone. It is said that aquamarine is good to have around if you are pregnant as it helps protect the mother and baby from harm. It is also said to help protect the fetus and prevent miscarriages. Aquamarine is also great for a sore throat or you can use to to complement any treatments for thyroid problems and swollen glands. If you are experiencing aching muscles or tired bones you can try sleeping with aquamarine in the same room as you or under your pillow, or you could hold it over/on the source of the pain for a duration of time.

When it comes to the chakras you can use aquamarine to help heal the throat and the heart chakra. Which chakra your personal aquamarine crystal will be best for healing is dependent on the hues of colour it has. If your aquamarine has more blue tones then it may be better fit for the throat chakra, if it is more green then it may be better suited for the heart chakra.

That’s all for today, I hope you enjoyed! What do you use aquamarine for? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Also, don’t forget to check out my instagram to stay up to date with me and get a glimpse into my personal life. Until next time, Blessed Be!



Tarot Series~Minor Acrana: Ace of Pentacles


When pulled upright this card is about new beginnings, just like all ace cards. Due to this card being a pentacles card it could be a new career, a new venture, a start to a health journey. Regardless of the new beginning, pulling this card upright means the outcome of it will bring your abundance and opportunity. This card also represents that a “seed” (an idea, a goal, a thought, etc) has been planted when it comes to the material world. It likely has to do with your feeling of security and stability. You need to nurture it and help it grow. You need to give it your time, your energy, sometimes you need to invest in it financially. Helping this seed manifest will bring you prosperity. Along with all this you need to make sure you are prepared psychologically for the opportunities coming your way. To ensure that you can reap all the benefits from this card you need to have calmness in your life, you need stability. 

When pulled in reverse this card says the possible opportunity that is being presented to you can be a bad investment, it could take up more resources than you currently think it will, or it could be saying you are missing your chance for this opportunity. This card can also be a sign that you are going to be going through some hard financial times. Having said that this card is suggesting not to make an big financial decisions and to carefully think about all your options before deciding upon any sort of deal. Now could also be a good time to get advice from others as to avoid making rushed decisions. Now isn’t a good time to start a new job or business especially if you’re considering it for financial gain. It might be an illusion that could hurt you in the end.

Here is a tarot spread to help you start your new beginning in your career. First I would take the ace of pentacles out of the deck and meditate on it thinking about the opportunity you have, or the goal you want to reach. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! What has the ace of pentacles been telling you? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you check out my instagram for lots of great content and an insight into my personal life. Also, don’t forget to follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I make posts and upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

No Tools Needed Mabon Ritual

Hi everyone! This weekend is Mabon so I thought I would leave you all with a ritual that you could do to celebrate the holiday. I got this ritual from I hope you find it useful for your celebrations. It was created for someone who has no Wiccan tools so you can add your own little flare to it if you’d like to add your tools to the workings of the ritual.


Things you need

  • 1 item to represent Water (a seashell, a picture of the sea, a river rock, etc.)
  • 1 item to represent Air (a feather, a fan, a reed, etc.)
  • 1 item to represent Earth (a rock, a flower, etc.)
  • 1 item to represent Fire (a candle, a lava rock, a picture of a campfire, etc.)
  • 1 bowl or basket full of offerings (this can be fruit, bread, pretty leaves, flowers, dried herbs, pine cones, acorns, twigs, and other things you pick up on nature walks)
  • 1 black stone (painted if need be) Could also use a black candle 
  • 1 white stone (painted if need be) Could also use a white candle
  • 1 cup of juice or wine (or water if nothing else)
  • 1 plate with a muffin (corn, apple, or if need be just a slice of bread or a few crackers)
  • 4 small bowls or cups (if holding the rite indoors)
  • Incense in a holder (completely optional—stick or cone is fine)
  • Music (completely optional)

Starting the ritual

Cast your circle using your preferred methods. When you’ve done that you need to summon the elements. You can turn to each directions, starting in the west and say:

I call to the Powers of the West and the Element of Water; let your intuition flow as I celebrate the rites of the Second Harvest.

I call to the Powers of the North and the Element of Air; let me breathe in your wisdom as I celebrate the rites of the Second Harvest.

I call to the Powers of the East and the Element of Earth; let me be grounded in your strength as I celebrate the rites of the Second Harvest.

I call to the Powers of the South and the Element of Fire; let your spark energize me as I celebrate the rites of the Second Harvest.

Go back to the center of the circle and call your deities in any way you like.

The actual ritual

Take a moment to feel the presence of your deities. When you’re ready, pick up the black and white stones (or candles if you choose to use those instead), with one in each hand. Say:

Day and night hang in the balance; Today, in equal measure, they meet.

Tomorrow, the dark takes over the year, and the hours of light retreat.

The darkness ushers in the chill, with leaves that whirl and winds that howl,

The snows may fall, the rains may cease, with empty fields and barren bough.

Dearest God, in Your waning strength, You move towards Your deathly sleep,

Yet memories of Summer shall warm my soul, and the promise of Spring I keep.

Lovely Goddess, in Your womb is the secret of what lies in store;

Rebirth of our God, rebirth of our Light, and rebirth of our land evermore.

For the mystery that you’ve taught me of the cycles of season are not in vain:

The darkness does pass, the light does return, and that which falls rises again.

Place the stones (or candles) in the offering basket. Sit and meditate for a while, if you like.


When you’re ready, pick up the juice, hold it up and say:

Bless this juice, infused with your love that is poured on the Earth;

As you’ve freely given, I freely give in return;

Accept my thanks and love at this Harvest season for Your bounty.

Pour a libation (a small amount) into the basket of offerings.

Stand up and go to the Western quarter. Pour out a small splash of drink on the ground (or into the bowl if you’re doing this indoors), then move to the North, East, and South, in turn, saying:

May the delicate balance of nature’s energies every flow in harmony,

With the Goddess and God, with each other, and within me.

Take a sip of the drink and place the cup down back on your altar. Next, pick up the muffin or bread. Hold it up and say:

Bless this grain, infused with your love that springs forth from the Earth.

As you’ve freely given, I freely give in return;

Accept my thanks and love at this Harvest season for Your bounty.

Break off a piece and put it into the offering basket. Then walk around the circle, sprinkling some crumbs at each of the four quarters, starting in the West, as you say:

May the cycles of the seasons keep turning,

May the Power of the Wheel keeps burning,

So mote it be!

Take a bite of the remaining bread. Sit and enjoy your simple feast.

Ending the ritual

Now is a good time in your ritual to do any divination or magickal workings that pertain to the holiday. When you’ve done all it is that you want to do you can close the ritual. Simply turn to each quarter in turn (starting in the West again), thanking each Elemental energy and bidding it go in peace. Bid farewell to your gods as well, with these or similar words:

In life there is death; in death there is life. And the circle ever goes on.

My thanks and praise go with you this season, in celebration of this Mabon.

For the season does turn you toward slumber as we move toward the icy realm of the North;

But Your presence remains in my mind and my heart, and I carry you with me henceforth.

All that’s left to do is clean up and head home for a quiet, peaceful evening.

I hope you all enjoy and that you have a very blessed Mabon. Let me know what you’re going to do for the sabbat down below along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you check out my instagram to get updates and see into my everyday life. Also make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!


Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: King of Swords


When pulled upright this card is saying that you should stay objective with whatever you are dealing with right now. You really need to lean on your intelligence to make your point and achieve your goals. Make sure your mind stays sharp and you stay vigilant so you can notice any problems coming your way. It is important to stay stern and to have clarity at all times right now. Before making any decisions you need to think, about all the possible consequences with any choice you could make, to make the best choice. It is key that you get rid of any emotional biases to make the most informed decision. Now is a time to reason with other people and be honest with them on what you’ve observed. This card is saying that you should be able to go into any situation and stay objective while making a decision. This card can also be about high ethical standards.

When pulled in reverse this card is about someone who is abusive and manipulative. This person is likely misusing their authoritative power, or their drive. They are being persuasive through manipulation to get the things they so selfishly want. This card could also be saying that you are showing off how smart you are by using big words that aren’t necessary. And lastly, this card could be saying you have some anger issues which cause you to be explosive. 

Here is a tarot spread if you deal with the last issue; explosive anger. This should help you identify underlying issues and how to go about dealing with it. First I would take the king of swords out of the deck and meditate on it while focusing in on this anger. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! What has the king of swords been telling you lately? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you check out my new instagram. You can find me @willowrosemoondancer. Also make sure you follow me here and on my twitter so you get notifications when I post here and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!



Basil is a pretty popular herb in witchcraft as it can be used for many different workings. It is very popular in Greece for numerous reasons. Obviously it is delicious but they also keep it in their home for protection. When basil is put in your house it is thought to bless everyone in it and it keeps unwanted spirits away as well. Basil very well be the most powerful at doing this compared to all other herbs. It is common for Christian churches to use basil to “make” their holy water. Water infused with basil is thought to be able to keep demons away and bless anything anointed with it.

Basil is also very handy when it comes to spell work. You can use it for protection spells, money spells, love spells, and beauty spells. If you are doing a spell to further your career in some aspect basil is great to use too. If you’re worried about someone being possessed you can use basil to do an exorcism as well.

Basil is commonly given to a newlywed couple to help foster love and luck in every aspect of their lives. If you rub your hands on a live plant of basil and then smell them it is said to help your memory. And drinking basil tea is supposed to give you prophetic dreams. Lastly, you can write on dried basil leaves and burn them to banish things from your life.

Thanks for checking out today’s post! How do you use basil in your practice? Let me know down below along with any other thoughts or questions you may have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post here and upload videos to youtube. Also, make sure you check out my instagram! It’s new and I’d love for you to see it. Until next time, Blessed be!

Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Queen of Swords


When pulled upright this card represents a person who older and wiser. Due to being a queen card they tend to be of someone with femininity however the queen of swords is considered to be the most masculine queen card. This person may come off as very stern and emotionless. This card really encourages you to use your logic before making any decisions as relying on emotions is not the best idea in all circumstances. Despite this, this person does have compassion. They like to connect with others with their intellect. This card is also telling you that you need to be more independent with your judgments. You need to start using your intelligence to come up with your opinions. Take the time to research both sides of an issue before you come to a conclusion that way you aren’t biased. Empathy and compassion when coming to these conclusions is not beneficial as it can distract you from the facts. The goal is to stay objective. This card can also be about how we communicate with others. This card encourages you to be honest and blunt. This gets rid of any confusion and miscommunications. The person this card is referring to may talk like this and if that’s the case you need to communicate the same way back. They will appreciate it.

When pulled in reverse this card is about thinking too much with your heart rather than your brain. You are becoming to involved emotionally with the situation you’re in. This card is warning you to think logically more because your emotions could be leading you down the wrong path. Really take some time and think about the situation and what is actually happening, not what your emotions are assuming is happening. Only when you’ve done that will know what you need to do next. This card can also be about someone who is bitter, coldhearted, and resentful. There is a chance you’ve started to isolate yourself more for various reasons but the people who care about you may not understand your motive. Pushing others away could really strain your relationships so you may want to consider talking to those people and letting them know how you’re feeling. 

Sorry for the profanity but I feel like this tarot spread will help you when it comes to using your logical mind. It lets you focus in on what the issue is and gives you tips on how to start making your objective viewpoint. First I would take the queen of swords out of the deck and meditate on it thinking about what this issue/situation/disagreement/whatever is. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! What has the queen of swords been telling you? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you may have. Also, make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Lastly, I have an instagram now! Make sure to check it out. Until next time, Blessed Be!

The Wiccan’s Back to School Shopping List and Other Helpful Tips

It’s that time of the year again where everyone is back to school. Whether you’re in junior high, highschool, or post secondary this list will help you do your best this year. The things in this list are things that will be helpful on their own but some could also be used together to make spells/rituals for school too. Without further ado lets get into it.

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Crystal and Herb Shopping list

  • clear quartz
    • Gives you mental clarity, focus, and helps retain information.
    • Bring the same clear quartz that you use to study with to your tests for a little extra help!
  • Tigers eye
    • Great for studying and research.
    • It keeps you focused and helps filter out mental distractions.
    • It can help you make sense of the information you’re processing.
  • Turquoise
    • It keeps your mind and thoughts clear.
    • Also great as it helps with stress and worry.
    • It is great to have with you while doing a test.
  • Fluorite
    • A great support for all types of research.
    • Any colour of fluorite can be used; pick what you are most drawn to.
  • Earl Grey Tea
    • Helps stimulate the mind, and helps give you confidence.
    • The caffeine can also help you stay awake on hard mornings or late study nights.
  • Grapefruit Peal/essential oil
    • Helps activate your mind as well.
    • When in essential oil form it is also known to promote joy and happiness.
    • If you have a few classes that you aren’t enjoying this might be great to have handy for those periods.
  • St. John’s wort
    • This herb is used as an antidepressant. (do not ingest if already on antidepressants)
    • It can bring light to troublesome problems.
    • Can be great to use when you have an educator that you don’t mesh well with but you need to confront/work with.
  • Lavender
    • This is great for calming and relaxing you when school becomes too much.
    • It can also help you get to sleep for those living in dorms or on those nights when your mind won’t shut up about all the school work you need to do.
  • Lemon Balm
    • This is great for healing your mind and bringing success.
    • This can be great to use after a hard day at school or before tackling a difficult assignment.


If you believe that consecrating your magickal tools makes them more powerful then why not do the same with your school tools. Consecrate your pens, pencils, ruler, calculator, scribblers, etc to make them more powerful!

If you live in dorms and have a roommate then having a permanent altar may not to realistic for you. So having a temporary altar may be more up your speed. You can keep all your altar tools in a shoe box and no one would be the wiser.

If you worship deities then you can also pray to get the support you need with school. I would find the deity in your pantheon that deals with the more logical aspects of life and pray to them. Some examples of deities you may want to pray to are Athena, Lugh, Seshat, Saraswati, Odin, etc.

I also recommend that you meditate. Meditating when you’re overwhelmed, having a hard time focusing, or right before a big test can be super helpful. It clears your mind of all the useless crap and lets you tune in to what is really important.

I’d love to do more school related posts/videos if anyone has anything they’d like to request (spells, how to be a closeted wiccan in secondary and post secondary school, etc). However that is all for today. I hope this helps you a bit this school year. Make sure you follow me here and on instagram so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Tarot Series~ Minor Arcana: Knight of Swords


When pulled upright this card represents someone who is so focused on a certain idea, that they become oblivious to any difficulties; conflicts; or consequences it brings us, as they try to achieve it. This card is about someone full of life and energy but they need to make sure they are balancing themselves out with a good dose of compassion and responsibility. The person this card represents, is someone who once they have set their mind to something there is no stopping them. While this can be a great trait as it shows ambition and dedication it can also have some downfalls. Some of the things this person might be willing to do to achieve their goal could have some very serious consequences. They are likely prone to move ahead without any preparation or foresight, which can put them in a dangerous (or at the very least unpleasant) situation.

When pulled in reverse this card is about someone who is extremely impatient, impulsive, and full of energy. However unlike the person the upright card represents this person has no direction, despite their abundance in energy. This causes a lot of rash decisions which can drag others down with them. This person likely has a lot of scattered thoughts and they don’t tend to take the time to go through them and organize them. It is quite likely that they are a disorganized person. When they do finally have something they want to achieve with all that energy they have they are likely very unprepared due to this lack of organization. 

Here is a tarot spread to help you find some direction for all that energy you have. First I would take out the knight of swords and meditate on it thinking about your directionless energy that you have. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! What has the knight of swords been telling you? Let me know in the comments and along with any other thoughts or questions you may have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Lastly I have made an instagram if any of you want to follow that! Until next time, Blessed Be!