Little Things you can do Everyday to Keep In-touch with Your Faith

Hi everyone! Today I thought we would talk about little things you can do throughout the day to keep you connected with Wicca. I know that when we’re busy it can feel like we neglect our faith which can leave us feeling ungrounded. It’s something I struggle with at the very least. So here’s a list of things you can do to get in touch with your spirituality again.

  1. Do a one card tarot/oracle reading
  2. Do a 5-10 minutes meditation
  3. Read a chapter of a Wiccan themed book
  4. Keep a Wicca related journal
  5. Go for a walk
  6. Listen to a Wicca podcast
  7. Watch a video about Wicca
  8. Take a ritual bath
  9. Pray
  10. Decorate your altar
  11. Give an offering
  12. Go out and admire the stars and the moon
  13. Bask in the warmth of the sun
  14. Spend some time tending to your garden/plants
  15. Do some yoga/stretch
  16. Contribute on a Wicca forum (reddit, amino groups, etc)
  17. Press leaves
  18. Go out and hug a tree
  19. Do a little research about a certain topic in Wicca
  20. Do a simple spell 82943104-288-k645281
  21. Sage yourself/your home
  22. Keep a dream journal
  23. Listen to wiccan music
  24. Wear a colour that corresponds with the day of the week
  25. Give yourself a positive affirmation for the day
  26. Write a list of things you’re grateful for
  27. Take a picture of something beautiful in nature
  28. Bird/squirrel watch
  29. Go for a swim
  30. Enjoy a bonfire
  31. Scavenge for altar supplies/decor
  32. Decorate your home for the season
  33. Collect rocks and shells at the ocean
  34. Wear something that makes you feel witchy
  35. Add a little kitchen magick to your supper
  36. Drink some herbal tea
  37. Charge your crystals
  38. Light an incense/use your essential oil diffuser/light some candles
  39. Conserve energy and go a day without turning the lights on
  40. Lay in the grass

That’s all I have for today. I hope this gave you some ideas! If there is something you like to do to stay connected with Wicca let me know down below (along with any other thoughts or questions) and I may just add it to this list. Make sure you check out my instagram so you can stay up to date with me and get insight into my everyday life. Also make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!


No Tools Needed Mabon Ritual

Hi everyone! This weekend is Mabon so I thought I would leave you all with a ritual that you could do to celebrate the holiday. I got this ritual from I hope you find it useful for your celebrations. It was created for someone who has no Wiccan tools so you can add your own little flare to it if you’d like to add your tools to the workings of the ritual.


Things you need

  • 1 item to represent Water (a seashell, a picture of the sea, a river rock, etc.)
  • 1 item to represent Air (a feather, a fan, a reed, etc.)
  • 1 item to represent Earth (a rock, a flower, etc.)
  • 1 item to represent Fire (a candle, a lava rock, a picture of a campfire, etc.)
  • 1 bowl or basket full of offerings (this can be fruit, bread, pretty leaves, flowers, dried herbs, pine cones, acorns, twigs, and other things you pick up on nature walks)
  • 1 black stone (painted if need be) Could also use a black candle 
  • 1 white stone (painted if need be) Could also use a white candle
  • 1 cup of juice or wine (or water if nothing else)
  • 1 plate with a muffin (corn, apple, or if need be just a slice of bread or a few crackers)
  • 4 small bowls or cups (if holding the rite indoors)
  • Incense in a holder (completely optional—stick or cone is fine)
  • Music (completely optional)

Starting the ritual

Cast your circle using your preferred methods. When you’ve done that you need to summon the elements. You can turn to each directions, starting in the west and say:

I call to the Powers of the West and the Element of Water; let your intuition flow as I celebrate the rites of the Second Harvest.

I call to the Powers of the North and the Element of Air; let me breathe in your wisdom as I celebrate the rites of the Second Harvest.

I call to the Powers of the East and the Element of Earth; let me be grounded in your strength as I celebrate the rites of the Second Harvest.

I call to the Powers of the South and the Element of Fire; let your spark energize me as I celebrate the rites of the Second Harvest.

Go back to the center of the circle and call your deities in any way you like.

The actual ritual

Take a moment to feel the presence of your deities. When you’re ready, pick up the black and white stones (or candles if you choose to use those instead), with one in each hand. Say:

Day and night hang in the balance; Today, in equal measure, they meet.

Tomorrow, the dark takes over the year, and the hours of light retreat.

The darkness ushers in the chill, with leaves that whirl and winds that howl,

The snows may fall, the rains may cease, with empty fields and barren bough.

Dearest God, in Your waning strength, You move towards Your deathly sleep,

Yet memories of Summer shall warm my soul, and the promise of Spring I keep.

Lovely Goddess, in Your womb is the secret of what lies in store;

Rebirth of our God, rebirth of our Light, and rebirth of our land evermore.

For the mystery that you’ve taught me of the cycles of season are not in vain:

The darkness does pass, the light does return, and that which falls rises again.

Place the stones (or candles) in the offering basket. Sit and meditate for a while, if you like.


When you’re ready, pick up the juice, hold it up and say:

Bless this juice, infused with your love that is poured on the Earth;

As you’ve freely given, I freely give in return;

Accept my thanks and love at this Harvest season for Your bounty.

Pour a libation (a small amount) into the basket of offerings.

Stand up and go to the Western quarter. Pour out a small splash of drink on the ground (or into the bowl if you’re doing this indoors), then move to the North, East, and South, in turn, saying:

May the delicate balance of nature’s energies every flow in harmony,

With the Goddess and God, with each other, and within me.

Take a sip of the drink and place the cup down back on your altar. Next, pick up the muffin or bread. Hold it up and say:

Bless this grain, infused with your love that springs forth from the Earth.

As you’ve freely given, I freely give in return;

Accept my thanks and love at this Harvest season for Your bounty.

Break off a piece and put it into the offering basket. Then walk around the circle, sprinkling some crumbs at each of the four quarters, starting in the West, as you say:

May the cycles of the seasons keep turning,

May the Power of the Wheel keeps burning,

So mote it be!

Take a bite of the remaining bread. Sit and enjoy your simple feast.

Ending the ritual

Now is a good time in your ritual to do any divination or magickal workings that pertain to the holiday. When you’ve done all it is that you want to do you can close the ritual. Simply turn to each quarter in turn (starting in the West again), thanking each Elemental energy and bidding it go in peace. Bid farewell to your gods as well, with these or similar words:

In life there is death; in death there is life. And the circle ever goes on.

My thanks and praise go with you this season, in celebration of this Mabon.

For the season does turn you toward slumber as we move toward the icy realm of the North;

But Your presence remains in my mind and my heart, and I carry you with me henceforth.

All that’s left to do is clean up and head home for a quiet, peaceful evening.

I hope you all enjoy and that you have a very blessed Mabon. Let me know what you’re going to do for the sabbat down below along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you check out my instagram to get updates and see into my everyday life. Also make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!


Pagan questions… Get to know me Part 1

Hi everyone, today I thought I would let you guys get to know me a bit better. I am going to be answering questions which are about my beliefs and about my path. I found this little pic and figured I would just answer them all! I will answer about half today and the other half another day. I’m going to try and give just yes or no answers (when possible) since there are a lot of questions but you can feel free to ask me to elaborate on anything in the comments. Also, keep in mind that one question is repeated a lot in the picture below, for some reason. I only answer it once and therefore the question numbers on the pic aren’t going to be the same as how I have them numbered below.


1. How did you find your path?

I had recently stopped being a Christian and was agnostic. I was researching different beliefs and came across Wicca.

2. Are you in or out of the closet?

Well I’m out to all friends, strangers, coworkers, my dad, and my siblings. I’m out to my mom about being pagan in general. However the rest of my family is still mostly under the assumption that I am Christian I think. I do have Wicca as my religion on fb but I didn’t share it to my feed so it’s just there for anyone to stumble upon.

3. Do you have an altar/shrine/sacred space?


4. Your take on the Wheel of the year?

Not quite sure what my take would be… I enjoy the wheel of the year… I wouldn’t change it… I try to celebrate when I can but I find it hard since work only gives me Christian holidays off.

5. What does this time of year mean to you?

Well the end of summer is slowly coming. In a month is the equinox I believe so I am super excited for that. Right now everything is about getting the earth, animals, bugs, etc, ready for the fall. I will admit that I am excited for summer to be over though as it is one of my least favourite seasons.

6. What are your cultural influences?

Well I am white so one can argue that I have no culture. However youtube effects me greatly. The things that I watch like wicca channels, mommy channels, and other stuff effects me a lot; what I aspire to and do.

7. How do you view sacred texts and mythology?

I don’t think I really view any sacred texts. But for viewing mythology I do a lot of research online. I also like to read Rick Riordan books. They are obviously just fiction but they are based on a lot of mythology facts which is a fun way for me to learn.

8. Do you have/how did you find a matron/patron

I do have a matron and patron. I did do a tarot spread to help determine it a bit but I also just felt in my gut who I was drawn to. Gaia and Pan fyi

9. Do you keep a diary/journal of your experiences?


10. What do the moon phases mean to you?

Well obviously they represent the phases of the goddess. It also affects energy levels in the air.

11. What does the sun mean to you?

It represents the god and his strength

12. Do you use divination? What types?

Yes, tarot, oracle, and pendulums typically.

13. What does magick mean to you?

It is a more powerful use of the law of attraction in my opinion. It is an optional part of the path that I think a lot of people deem mandatory.

14. Do you perform spells on a regular basis?


15. What spiritual practice do you do most often?

Divination probably

16. What does the deity/god/divine mean to you?

Well I identify most with the divine. I believe in the universal energy source. I also have deities that I worship however. I do not believe deities are actual being but rather just personified pieces of the universal energy source.

17. How do you feel about group work/worship?

I really enjoyed it as a Christian but it has been so long that I have had the opportunity to worship within a group that I would awkward about it now.

18. What does initiation mean to you?

Initiation is not important to me at all (I’m assuming that this is separate from dedication).

19. Do you have a grimoire/book of shadows?


20. Do you create your own correspondences?

I don’t other than what’s on this site.

21. How important is your diet/magickal use of food?

I wish I prioritized it more. I have certain ethics and morals on food but too lazy and frugal to actually buy what I want to be eating. As for food and magick, I don’t typically mix those.

Thanks for checking out today’s post! Feel free to ask me about any specifics down below along with any other thoughts or questions. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post here and upload videos to youtube. Lastly, if you’d like to enter my giveaway, in thanks for 100 subscribers, all you have to do is send me a blog/video request. You can send it in the comments of a blog, video, or twitter, through my email, etc. Each request counts as one entry. The winner gets a free tarot reading or reiki session, their choice. The giveaway ends August 16th. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Bonfire Litha Ritual

Hi everyone! Today I thought I would make a post to our Book of Shadows for Litha. I don’t know about you but I love bonfires so I feel like this is the perfect ritual for me and hopefully for you too! I got this ritual from

Prep work

  1. Cast your circle however you prefer to do it.
  2. Prepare the wood for a fire, without lighting it yet.
  3. Meditate/ground yourself
  4. Call upon whoever you would like to invite to your ritual

The Ritual

Say either to yourself or out loud:

Today, to celebrate Midsummer, I honor the Earth itself. I am surrounded by tall trees. There is a clear sky above me and cool dirt beneath me, and I am connected to all three. I light this fire as the Ancients did so long ago.


At this point, start your fire. Say:

The Wheel of the Year has turned once more
The light has grown for six long months
Until today.

Today is Litha, called Alban Heruin by my ancestors.
A time for celebration.
Tomorrow the light will begin to fade
As the Wheel of the Year
Turns on and ever on.


Turn to the East, and say:

From the east comes the wind,
Cool and clear.
It brings new seeds to the garden
Bees to the pollen
And birds to the trees.


Turn to face the South, and say:

The sun rises high in the summer sky
And lights our way even into the night
Today the sun casts three rays
The light of fire upon the land, the sea, and the heavens


Turn to face West, saying:

From the west, the mist rolls in
Bringing rain and fog
The life-giving water without which
We would cease to be.


Finally, turn to the North, and say:

Beneath my feet is the Earth,
Soil dark and fertile
The womb in which life begins
And will later die, then return anew.


Build up the fire even more, so that you have a good strong blaze going.


If you wish to make an offering to the gods, now is the time to do it. For this sample, we’re including the use of a triple goddess in the invocation, but this is where you should substitute the names of the deities of your personal tradition.



Alban Heruin is a time of rededication
To the gods.
 The triple goddess watches over me.
She is known by many names.
She is the Morrighan, Brighid, and Cerridwen.
She is the washer at the ford,
She is the guardian of the hearth,
She is the one who stirs the cauldron of inspiration.


I give honor to You, O mighty ones,
By all your names, known and unknown.
Bless me with Your wisdom
And give life and abundance to me
As the sun gives life and abundance to the Earth.


I make this offering to you
To show my allegiance
To show my honor
To show my dedication
To You.


Cast your offering into fire. Conclude the ritual by saying:

Today, at Litha, I celebrate the life
And love of the gods
And of the Earth and Sun.


Take a few moments to reflect upon what you have offered, and what the gifts of the gods mean to you. When you are ready, if you have cast a circle, dismantle it or dismiss the quarters at this time. Allow your fire to go out on its own.

That is all for today’s video! I hope you enjoyed! What are you going to do to celebrate Litha? Let me know down below in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you may have. Also, make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Beltane Ritual

Happy Beltane everyone! I hope everyone is excited that spring has finally truly started. I thought I would make a post about a ritual you can do during the sabbat if it calls upon you. I know this one is very woman based (although men can do it too as we all have both the feminine and masculine in us) so if this one isn’t your cup of tea check out this one instead. Anything in red were little adjustments I made. The original source is from I hope you enjoy!


What you need

  • A white candle
  • An offering of something that is important to you
  • A bowl of water
  • A handful of small pebbles or stones
If your tradition calls for you to cast a circle, do so now.

Begin the Ritual

Begin by standing in the goddess position; this is a stance in which the feet are spread apart, about shoulder-width, and the arms raised up to the sky. Speak clearly, and say:
I am (your name), and I stand before you,
goddesses of the sky and earth and sea,
I honor you, for your blood runs through my veins,
one woman (or man), standing on the edge of the universe.
Tonight, I make an offering in Your names,
As my thanks for all you have given me.
Light the candle, and place your offering before it on the altar. The offering may be something tangible, such as bread or wine or flowers. It can also be something symbolic, such as a gift of your time or dedication. Whatever it is, it should be something from your heart. You may want to read up on Offerings to the Gods for some ideas.
Once you have made your offering, it is time to call upon the goddesses by name. Say:
I am (your name), and I stand before you,
Isis, Ishtar, Tiamat, Inanna, Shakti, Cybele (Or any other goddesses you worship instead).
Mothers of the ancient people,
guardians of those who walked the earth thousands of years ago,
I offer you this as a way of showing my gratitude.
Your strength has flowed within me,
your wisdom has given me knowledge,
your inspiration has given birth to harmony in my soul.
Now it is time to honor the many women may who have touched your life. For each one, place a pebble into the bowl of water. As you do so, say each woman’s name and how she has impacted you. You might say something like this:
I am (your name), and I stand before you,
to honor the sacred feminine that has touched my heart.
I honor Susan, who gave birth to me and raised me to be strong;
I honor Maggie, my grandmother, whose strength took her to the hospitals of war-torn France;
I honor Cathleen, my aunt, who lost her courageous battle with cancer;
I honor Jennifer, my sister, who has raised three children alone…
Continue until you have placed a pebble in the water for each of these women. Reserve one pebble for yourself. Finish by saying:
I am (your name), and I honor myself,
for my strength, my creativity, my knowledge, my inspiration,
and for all the other remarkable things that make me who I am.To wrap up this ritual think about all the things that make you love being a woman and if you’re a man think about all the things you admire about women. Meditate on the feminine energy of the universal energy source for a little while, do any divination, or magickal workings you wish to do, and then close out the circle.

That is it for today, I hope you enjoyed. What are you doing for Beltane? Let me know down below in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Also make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Is Easter really a Christian Holiday?

As many of you know Easter is right around the corner. And as with most Christian holiday’s and traditions, Easter doesn’t stem from Christian beliefs originally. We can bring it all back to Paganism. So, I thought it would be fun if we talked about the actual origins of Easter.

Firstly we should address the fact that most scholars, even biblical ones, agree that Easter was founded by pagan traditions and festivals. The word Easter is thought to be a derivative of the word Eastra, the springtime goddess. Pagans would make sacrifices to this goddess during the time Christians today celebrate Passover. Despite the fact that most scholars agree it is based on a pagan festival, it is not necessarily agreed which festival.

Due to the fact that Easter is about the death and rebirth of Jesus Christ, some believe that it is taken from the symbolism of the death and return of the sun. Then others believe that Easter is taken from the pagan story of *Tammuz and Ishtar (story will be inserted below)

A very common thought process is Easter got its traditions from the sabbat Ostara, the spring equinox. A very important aspect of Ostara is the idea of renewal which is essentially what the Christian’s Easter is all about.

Now, let’s talk about the traditions celebrated at Easter and where they come from. So firstly lets talk about the rabbit. The rabbit is a very big symbol in Easter. We have the Easter bunny as well as chocolate bunnies that people eat. Bunny’s are also a popular gift to give as pets during this time (which is a whole other issue of it’s own). But where does the symbolism of the bunny really come from? Rabbits are actually associated with the spring time goddess Eostre which would be a deity that many Pagans worship during this time of year. They’re also symbols of fertility which is a big part of what Ostara is about. Another symbol associated with Easter is the egg. The reason for this is similar to that of the bunny. The egg represents spring due to the fact that it is a symbol of fertility and renewal. There is also a legend that says the Goddess Ostara healed a wounded bird by changing it into a hare. However the hare was still part bird and showed it’s gratitude to the goddess by laying eggs for her as gifts.

*When Tammuz dies, Ishtar is grief–stricken and follows him to the underworld. In the underworld, she enters through seven gates, and her worldly attire is removed. “Naked and bowed low” she is judged, killed, and then hung on display. In her absence, the earth loses its fertility, crops cease to grow and animals stop reproducing. Unless something is done, all life on earth will end.

After Ishtar has been missing for three days her assistant goes to other gods for help. Finally one of them Enki, creates two creatures who carry the plant of life and water of life down to the Underworld, sprinkling them on Ishtar and Tammuz, resurrecting them, and giving them the power to return to the earth as the light of the sun for six months. After the six months are up, Tammuz returns to the underworld of the dead, remaining there for another six months, and Ishtar pursues him, prompting the water god to rescue them both. Thus were the cycles of winter death and spring life.

Thank you for checking out today’s post! I hope you learned something new. What do you think the origins of Easter are? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Also make sure to follow me here and on twitter to get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. And until next time, Blessed Be!

Ostara Ritual

Hi everyone! I hope you all are having a lovely Ostara. You may be looking for a ritual to do today and if you are here is one I found from

In addition to decorating your altar, you’ll need the following:

Perform this ritual outside if at all possible, in the early morning as the sun rises. It’s spring, so it may be a bit chilly, but it’s a good time to reconnect with the earth. If your tradition normally requires you to cast a circle, do so now.

  • Three candles: one yellow, one green, and one purple
  • A bowl of milk
  • A small bowl of honey or sugar

Perform Your Ritual

Begin by taking a moment to focus on the air around you. Inhale deeply, and see if you can smell the change in the seasons. Depending on where you live, the air may have an earthy aroma, or a rainy one, or even smell like green grass. Sense the shift in energy as the Wheel of the Year has turned. Light the green candle, to symbolize the blossoming earth. As you light it, say:

The Wheel of the Year turns once more,
and the vernal equinox arrives.
Light and dark are equal,
and the soil begins to change.
The earth awakes from its slumber,
and new life springs forth once more.

Next, light the yellow candle, representing the sun. As you do so, say:


The sun draws ever closer to us,
greeting the earth with its welcoming rays.
Light and dark are equal,
and the sky fills with light and warmth.
The sun warms the land beneath our feet,
and gives life to all in its path.


Finally, light the purple candle. This one represents the Divine in our lives–whether you call it a god or a goddess, whether you identify it by name or simply as a universal life force, this is the candle which stands for all the things we do not know, all those things we cannot understand, but that are the sacred in our daily lives. As you light this candle, focus on the Divine around and within you. Say:


Spring has come! For this, we are thankful!
The Divine is present all around,
in the cool fall of a rain storm,
in the tiny buds of a flower,
in the down of a newborn chick,
in the fertile fields waiting to be planted,
in the sky above us,
and in the earth below us.
We thank the universe* for all it has to offer us,
and are so blessed to be alive on this day.
Welcome, life! Welcome, light! Welcome, spring!


Take a moment and meditate on the three flames before you and what they symbolize. Consider your own place within these three things–the earth, the sun, and the Divine. How do you fit into the grand scheme of things? How do you find balance between light and dark in your own life?


Finally, blend the milk and honey together, mixing gently. Pour it onto the ground around your altar space as an offering to the earth**. As you do, you may wish to say something like:


I make this offering to the earth,
As thanks for the many blessings I have received,
And those I shall some day receive.


Once you have made your offering, stand for a minute facing your altar. Feel the cool earth beneath your feet, and the sun on your face. Take in every sensation of this moment, and know that you are in a perfect place of balance between light and dark, winter and summer, warmth and cold — a time of polarity and harmony.


When you are ready, end the ritual.


*Instead of “the Universe,” feel free to insert the name of your patron deity or the gods of your tradition here.


**If you’re doing this rite indoors, take your bowl of milk and honey and pour it in your garden, or around your yard.


I hope you all enjoy this ritual! Let me know what you will be doing for the sabbat today in the comments below along with any other thoughts or comments you may have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!


A few weeks ago I made a post about Aphrodite which triggered a post request from a subscriber. She follows the Norse Pantheon and asked if I would do a post on Freyja. Since it is still the month of love I figured I would make this for her.

Freyja’s Associations

Freyja is the goddess of love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, seiðr, war, and death.

Her symbol is the Northern Lights

Her sacred animals are cats and wild pigs

Her sacred plants are cowslip, primrose, and daisies

Freyja Mythology

Freya was the Norse Goddess of beauty that no man could resist when she wore her enchanting necklace known as the Brisingamen. This necklace was made for her my four dwarves. They demanded that as repayment she spent a night with each of them in turn.

Although she had many affairs she loved her husband deeply and when he went missing she cried tears of gold. She set out to find him by transforming herself into a bird with her magical cloak.

When she found he had become an ugly sea monster. Freya remained by his side and became enraged when he was murdered, threatening to kill the other Gods. To placate her Od was offered a place in Valhalla despite not dying as a hero on the battlefield.

Gotten from

Ritual for Freyja

Greeting Freyja

It will be helpful to have:

A couple of candles

A space to set the candles and make a simple ve or shrine for Freyja

An offering to pour for Her (Mead is good, so is any sweet or strong drink.  Lacking those, use sweet teas or fruit juices.  Lacking those, use water.)  The Lady is going to be your guest, so at least provide Her with the kind of drink you would offer to a mortal guest.  There are many other gifts and offerings that are appropriate for Her; some are listed here.


First we do a cleansing.  Most traditions have some sort of cleansing rite, to prepare you and the space for the presence of and interaction with the divinity that you are calling.  Flames have been used to bless property in some places in Northern Europe, where a torch or light is carried to all parts of the property and the shadows chased out.  Some Heathens call on Thor in the Hammer Rite, but as I don’t have a regular practice involving him and She is perfectly capable of helping with this work I call to Her for it.

Take a candle and light it.  Say, “Sacred flame, in Freyja’s name, cleanse and bless this space.  Banish from it all baleful wights and wills and make it whole and holy.  In Freyja’s name, oh sacred flame, so be it.  Hail Blotgydja!”  Pass it in front of and around your body.  Walk with it around the space, making sure to shine the light in corners and dark spaces especially.  Set the candle down in the space you want to use.


Set up a space for Freyja.  Include statuary images, or things that are important to Her, especially amber if you have any.  Face your shrine and call to Her.  You can say Her names, write out a wordy invocation (I like doing that, but that’s me) or sing to Her.  Here is a sample invocation that you may use if you like:

Hail to Freyja, cat-chariot riding,

Hail to Freyja in passion abiding,

Hail to Freyja in red-gold lust screaming,

Hail to Freyja in deep seidh-trance dreaming,

Hail to Freyja on falcon wings flying,

Hail to Freyja in dwarven bed sighing,

Hail to Mardoll in brightness and beauty,

Hail Blotgydja in your sacred duty,

Hail to Freyja in passion and power,

Hail to Freyja, bright Vanaheim’s  flower!

Hail, Freyja, Vanadis!  Be welcome in your shrine, be welcome my home, be welcome in my life.

Make Offerings

Now is the time to present Her with any offerings.  It’s good to come with gifts when meeting friends, whether new and prospective friends or long term ones.

Light a candle for Her, and say something like, “I light this candle in your honor.  May its warmth and brightness and sweet scent please you and bring you joy.  Hail Freyja!”

Pour the drink for Her, and say something nice about it.  “For you, Freyja, I pour this mead, the essence of honey transformed.  May its gold be like your gold, its warmth suffuse you, its flavor please you, its honey give you health and power.  Drink deep of it and may you find within it all that you want and all that you need.  Freyja, accept my offering!”  You can take a drink as well, sharing with Her if you like, just don’t do it from the portion offered.

If you have any other gifts for Her, talk them up and present them nicely to Her.  It’s not inappropriate to sing to Her.  She likes to have Her names sung and is known for a fondness for romantic and bawdy music.

Once you’ve given Her gifts, tell Her why you’ve called Her, even if it’s as simple as curiosity.

Then be silent.  Spend some time being quiet internally and externally, eyes closed or focused on an image that brings Her to mind.  You may feel Her presence as feelings of warmth and love.  You may see or hear Her in your mind.

Or you may feel nothing.  Sometimes it takes some time to recognize the presence of a deity and sometimes they just don’t seem to respond.  The Lady tends to be responsive to people, and She’s been growing more and more present over the last few years.

After you’re done thank Her and leave the space to end the rite.

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Spell to do with Freyja

you may burn a pink candle for Friday or an amber-colored candle to honor the goddess Freya. It’s completely up to you. Light the candle and repeat the charm:

Freya’s day is Friday, and the thirteenth is today,
Let’s work with these energies in a magical way.
Freya, mistress of magic, bless us with your wisdom,
As the candle burns away, the good luck spell begins.
This good luck candle spell is spun from the heart,
Worked for the good of all, with a Witch’s art.

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Thank you so much for reading today’s blog! I hope you enjoyed. Do you worship Freyja? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. 

Imbolc Ritual

So we have officially one every sabbat over the course of the year! Yes, this blog has been going for a year now! So I figured this year I would post a ritual for the sabbats. I’ve been thinking about maybe creating some rituals for you guys but today I have one from the internet (that I will include any modifications I think are needed for the low-budget wiccan). If you’d be interested in some original rituals from me let me know in the comments.

What you need

  • Seven candles, in red and white (tealights are perfect for this) Don’t worry about the colours if this is not what you have
  • Something to light your candles with
  • A large bowl or cauldron big enough to hold the candles
  • Sand or salt to fill the bottom of the bowl/cauldron

Ritual directions

If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now. Pour the sand or salt into the bowl or cauldron. Place the seven candles into the sand so they won’t slide around. Light the first candle. As you do so, say:

Although it is now dark, I come seeking light.
In the chill of winter, I come seeking life.

Light the second candle, saying:

I call upon fire, that melts the snow and warms the hearth.
I call upon fire, that brings the light and makes new life.
I call upon fire to purify me with your flames.

Light the third candle. Say:

This light is a boundary, between positive and negative.
That which is outside, shall stay without.
That which is inside, shall stay within.

Light the fourth candle. Say:

I call upon fire, that melts the snow and warms the hearth.
I call upon fire, that brings the light and makes new life.
I call upon fire to purify me with your flames.

Light the fifth candle, saying:

Like fire, light and love will always grow.
Like fire, wisdom and inspiration will always grow.

Light the sixth candle, and say:

I call upon fire, that melts the snow and warms the hearth.
I call upon fire, that brings the light and makes new life.
I call upon fire to purify me with your flames.

Finally, light the last candle. As you do so, visualize the seven flames coming together as one. As the light builds, see the energy growing in a purifying glow.

Fire of the hearth, blaze of the sun,
cover me in your shining light.
I am awash in your glow, and tonight I am
made pure.

Take a few moments and meditate on the light of your candles. Think about this Sabbat, a time of healing and inspiration and purification. Do you have something damaged that needs to be healed? Are you feeling stagnant, for lack of inspiration? Is there some part of your life that feels toxic or tainted? Visualize the light as a warm, enveloping energy that wraps itself around you, healing your ailments, igniting the spark of creativity, and purifying that which is damaged.

When you are ready, end the ritual. You may choose to follow up with healing magic, or with a Cakes and Ale ceremony.

Here is the link to the original site if you’d like to see the history behind the ritual.

Thank you for checking out my blog! What do you do to celebrate Imbolc? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions. Also, make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be.

Wheel of the Year: Yule

Hi everyone! Today we are going to talk about Yule since it is coming on Friday! So Yule is on the winter solstice which is December 21st. Some people celebrate it over a few days (Dec.21-Dec.23). It is the most North point on the wheel of the year. It is the darkest day of the year and represents the brightening of the days to come. Today we are celebrating the goddess giving birth to the sun god again.

On this day there are lots of ways to celebrate. A lot of these celebrations are very similar to those of Christmas. If you want to know why I suggest you check out my blog post about the history of yule. So some things you can do is burn the yule log to increase the light of the season; put up mistletoe; have holly and evergreen decorations to symbolize the promise of the return of life and springtime; and put up a yule tree with silver and white decorations to represent the goddess and god, or red and gold to symbolize the sun god specifically. You can also do gift giving and other traditional holiday fun.

Don’t forget, along with all these seasonal activities you can still go for a nature walk to see what is happening in the world, do a ritual for the deities around yule and winter, do some divination, or do some magick.

Some gods you can celebrate on Yule are: Baldur (Norse), Dionysus (Greek), Hodr (Norse), Holly king (Celtic), Horus (Egyptian), Mithras (Roman), Odin (Norse), Saturn (Roman), and Apollo (Greek).

Some goddesses you can celebrate on Yule are: Alcyone (Greek), Ameratasu (Japanese), Bona Dea (Roman), Cailleach Bheur (Celtic), Demeter (Greek), Frau Holle (Norse), Frigga (Norse), La Betana (Italian), and Spider Woman (Hopi).

I hope you all have a very blessed Yule! What are your plans for the sabbat? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Also, make sure to follow me here and on twitter to get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!