Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: King of Swords


When pulled upright this card is saying that you should stay objective with whatever you are dealing with right now. You really need to lean on your intelligence to make your point and achieve your goals. Make sure your mind stays sharp and you stay vigilant so you can notice any problems coming your way. It is important to stay stern and to have clarity at all times right now. Before making any decisions you need to think, about all the possible consequences with any choice you could make, to make the best choice. It is key that you get rid of any emotional biases to make the most informed decision. Now is a time to reason with other people and be honest with them on what you’ve observed. This card is saying that you should be able to go into any situation and stay objective while making a decision. This card can also be about high ethical standards.

When pulled in reverse this card is about someone who is abusive and manipulative. This person is likely misusing their authoritative power, or their drive. They are being persuasive through manipulation to get the things they so selfishly want. This card could also be saying that you are showing off how smart you are by using big words that aren’t necessary. And lastly, this card could be saying you have some anger issues which cause you to be explosive. 

Here is a tarot spread if you deal with the last issue; explosive anger. This should help you identify underlying issues and how to go about dealing with it. First I would take the king of swords out of the deck and meditate on it while focusing in on this anger. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! What has the king of swords been telling you lately? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you check out my new instagram. You can find me @willowrosemoondancer. Also make sure you follow me here and on my twitter so you get notifications when I post here and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Queen of Swords


When pulled upright this card represents a person who older and wiser. Due to being a queen card they tend to be of someone with femininity however the queen of swords is considered to be the most masculine queen card. This person may come off as very stern and emotionless. This card really encourages you to use your logic before making any decisions as relying on emotions is not the best idea in all circumstances. Despite this, this person does have compassion. They like to connect with others with their intellect. This card is also telling you that you need to be more independent with your judgments. You need to start using your intelligence to come up with your opinions. Take the time to research both sides of an issue before you come to a conclusion that way you aren’t biased. Empathy and compassion when coming to these conclusions is not beneficial as it can distract you from the facts. The goal is to stay objective. This card can also be about how we communicate with others. This card encourages you to be honest and blunt. This gets rid of any confusion and miscommunications. The person this card is referring to may talk like this and if that’s the case you need to communicate the same way back. They will appreciate it.

When pulled in reverse this card is about thinking too much with your heart rather than your brain. You are becoming to involved emotionally with the situation you’re in. This card is warning you to think logically more because your emotions could be leading you down the wrong path. Really take some time and think about the situation and what is actually happening, not what your emotions are assuming is happening. Only when you’ve done that will know what you need to do next. This card can also be about someone who is bitter, coldhearted, and resentful. There is a chance you’ve started to isolate yourself more for various reasons but the people who care about you may not understand your motive. Pushing others away could really strain your relationships so you may want to consider talking to those people and letting them know how you’re feeling. 

Sorry for the profanity but I feel like this tarot spread will help you when it comes to using your logical mind. It lets you focus in on what the issue is and gives you tips on how to start making your objective viewpoint. First I would take the queen of swords out of the deck and meditate on it thinking about what this issue/situation/disagreement/whatever is. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! What has the queen of swords been telling you? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you may have. Also, make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Lastly, I have an instagram now! Make sure to check it out. Until next time, Blessed Be!

The Wiccan’s Back to School Shopping List and Other Helpful Tips

It’s that time of the year again where everyone is back to school. Whether you’re in junior high, highschool, or post secondary this list will help you do your best this year. The things in this list are things that will be helpful on their own but some could also be used together to make spells/rituals for school too. Without further ado lets get into it.

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Crystal and Herb Shopping list

  • clear quartz
    • Gives you mental clarity, focus, and helps retain information.
    • Bring the same clear quartz that you use to study with to your tests for a little extra help!
  • Tigers eye
    • Great for studying and research.
    • It keeps you focused and helps filter out mental distractions.
    • It can help you make sense of the information you’re processing.
  • Turquoise
    • It keeps your mind and thoughts clear.
    • Also great as it helps with stress and worry.
    • It is great to have with you while doing a test.
  • Fluorite
    • A great support for all types of research.
    • Any colour of fluorite can be used; pick what you are most drawn to.
  • Earl Grey Tea
    • Helps stimulate the mind, and helps give you confidence.
    • The caffeine can also help you stay awake on hard mornings or late study nights.
  • Grapefruit Peal/essential oil
    • Helps activate your mind as well.
    • When in essential oil form it is also known to promote joy and happiness.
    • If you have a few classes that you aren’t enjoying this might be great to have handy for those periods.
  • St. John’s wort
    • This herb is used as an antidepressant. (do not ingest if already on antidepressants)
    • It can bring light to troublesome problems.
    • Can be great to use when you have an educator that you don’t mesh well with but you need to confront/work with.
  • Lavender
    • This is great for calming and relaxing you when school becomes too much.
    • It can also help you get to sleep for those living in dorms or on those nights when your mind won’t shut up about all the school work you need to do.
  • Lemon Balm
    • This is great for healing your mind and bringing success.
    • This can be great to use after a hard day at school or before tackling a difficult assignment.


If you believe that consecrating your magickal tools makes them more powerful then why not do the same with your school tools. Consecrate your pens, pencils, ruler, calculator, scribblers, etc to make them more powerful!

If you live in dorms and have a roommate then having a permanent altar may not to realistic for you. So having a temporary altar may be more up your speed. You can keep all your altar tools in a shoe box and no one would be the wiser.

If you worship deities then you can also pray to get the support you need with school. I would find the deity in your pantheon that deals with the more logical aspects of life and pray to them. Some examples of deities you may want to pray to are Athena, Lugh, Seshat, Saraswati, Odin, etc.

I also recommend that you meditate. Meditating when you’re overwhelmed, having a hard time focusing, or right before a big test can be super helpful. It clears your mind of all the useless crap and lets you tune in to what is really important.

I’d love to do more school related posts/videos if anyone has anything they’d like to request (spells, how to be a closeted wiccan in secondary and post secondary school, etc). However that is all for today. I hope this helps you a bit this school year. Make sure you follow me here and on instagram so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Ace of Swords


When pulled upright this card is about breakthroughs, just like all ace cards are. However do to this card being a sword it says that this breakthrough has more to with in intellect. So maybe you have been struggling to find the solution to a problem, this could be a breakthrough for that. It could also be a breakthrough in a situation where you were trying to determine the truth of something. It also talks about seeing the world from a new point of view and realizing you have endless opportunities. Now is a really great time to start working towards your goals. Since your conscious is clear and you are at a point of swift thinking now is a good time to seek justice and truth. It is important to remember that swords can be double-edged. So this clarity you are experiencing can be used for good or bad deeds. It is all dependent on you. It also reminds you that too much power can corrupt a person so you need to stick with your principles. 

When pulled in reverse can be saying that instead of having a mental breakthrough you could actually be very confused, unsure, and feel very chaotic. It is good to remember, that due to this, it is not a good time to be making any decisions, since those choices won’t be backed with a clear mind. Now is a better time to prepare yourself for what is to come and take baby steps towards it. Now is the time to take yourself through each and every stage of what you want to accomplish and really create some sort of plan, rather than acting spontaneously. It would also be good to ask for advice because everything may not be as it seems. 

Here is a tarot spread that may help you achieve your mental breakthrough. First I would take the ace of swords out of the deck and mediate on it while really trying to clear your mind of any chaos and confusion. Then shuffle the cards and pull using your preferred method.


That is all for today’s post. I hope you enjoyed. What has the ace of swords been telling you lately? Let me in the comments below along with any other thoughts or questions you may have. Make sure you follow me here on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!