Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Two of Pentacles

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When pulled upright this card is about balance. It seems like right now money may be a bit tight but you’ve found a way to balance it out. However you are teetering the edge and one wrong financial decision could ruin that balance. This balance could also be about trying to keep two aspects of your life in balance. It could be anything, your job, school, money, health, love, etc. Regardless this card is saying there are two aspects that you are extremely concerned about. You need to step back from the situation and gain a better perspective. Multitasking seems likes the most efficient course of action but in reality it will just make the situation worse. Take the time to really focus on what it is you’re concerned about. When it comes to the subject of love this card is suggesting that you don’t have the time or energy needed to invest in your partner to make them happy. Your relationship with your partner should be at the top of your priority list but given the stress you’ve been in by keeping everything in balance they have been put to the side a bit. When it comes to your finances this card is saying you need to make sure you are completely aware of the state it is in. Take this time to really watch what you’re spending and secure a steady stream of income so you can make a good foundation for your future. And when it comes to your health this card is reminding you to do some self care. When you have a lot of responsibilities it is easy to stop considering your own needs and wants  but you need to try and find a balance.

When pulled in reverse this card is saying you have too many things you’re trying to do in your life right now. Give yourself a little responsibility free break to de-stress. When it comes to work getting this card in reverse can be a good sign. Try not to commit yourself to a lot of things as it will likely overwhelm you. When it comes to finances this card can suggest that you might be overspending. You really need to think about your income and where it is all being spent as overspending can cause issues in the future.

Here is a tarot spread to help you achieve balance in your life. First I would take the card out and meditate on it thinking about what aspect(s) of your life could use some more balance. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for reading! What has the two of pentacles been telling you lately? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you check out my instagram to stay up to date with me, and don’t forget to follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Tarot Series~Minor Acrana: Ace of Pentacles


When pulled upright this card is about new beginnings, just like all ace cards. Due to this card being a pentacles card it could be a new career, a new venture, a start to a health journey. Regardless of the new beginning, pulling this card upright means the outcome of it will bring your abundance and opportunity. This card also represents that a “seed” (an idea, a goal, a thought, etc) has been planted when it comes to the material world. It likely has to do with your feeling of security and stability. You need to nurture it and help it grow. You need to give it your time, your energy, sometimes you need to invest in it financially. Helping this seed manifest will bring you prosperity. Along with all this you need to make sure you are prepared psychologically for the opportunities coming your way. To ensure that you can reap all the benefits from this card you need to have calmness in your life, you need stability. 

When pulled in reverse this card says the possible opportunity that is being presented to you can be a bad investment, it could take up more resources than you currently think it will, or it could be saying you are missing your chance for this opportunity. This card can also be a sign that you are going to be going through some hard financial times. Having said that this card is suggesting not to make an big financial decisions and to carefully think about all your options before deciding upon any sort of deal. Now could also be a good time to get advice from others as to avoid making rushed decisions. Now isn’t a good time to start a new job or business especially if you’re considering it for financial gain. It might be an illusion that could hurt you in the end.

Here is a tarot spread to help you start your new beginning in your career. First I would take the ace of pentacles out of the deck and meditate on it thinking about the opportunity you have, or the goal you want to reach. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! What has the ace of pentacles been telling you? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you check out my instagram for lots of great content and an insight into my personal life. Also, don’t forget to follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I make posts and upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: King of Swords


When pulled upright this card is saying that you should stay objective with whatever you are dealing with right now. You really need to lean on your intelligence to make your point and achieve your goals. Make sure your mind stays sharp and you stay vigilant so you can notice any problems coming your way. It is important to stay stern and to have clarity at all times right now. Before making any decisions you need to think, about all the possible consequences with any choice you could make, to make the best choice. It is key that you get rid of any emotional biases to make the most informed decision. Now is a time to reason with other people and be honest with them on what you’ve observed. This card is saying that you should be able to go into any situation and stay objective while making a decision. This card can also be about high ethical standards.

When pulled in reverse this card is about someone who is abusive and manipulative. This person is likely misusing their authoritative power, or their drive. They are being persuasive through manipulation to get the things they so selfishly want. This card could also be saying that you are showing off how smart you are by using big words that aren’t necessary. And lastly, this card could be saying you have some anger issues which cause you to be explosive. 

Here is a tarot spread if you deal with the last issue; explosive anger. This should help you identify underlying issues and how to go about dealing with it. First I would take the king of swords out of the deck and meditate on it while focusing in on this anger. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! What has the king of swords been telling you lately? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you check out my new instagram. You can find me @willowrosemoondancer. Also make sure you follow me here and on my twitter so you get notifications when I post here and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Queen of Swords


When pulled upright this card represents a person who older and wiser. Due to being a queen card they tend to be of someone with femininity however the queen of swords is considered to be the most masculine queen card. This person may come off as very stern and emotionless. This card really encourages you to use your logic before making any decisions as relying on emotions is not the best idea in all circumstances. Despite this, this person does have compassion. They like to connect with others with their intellect. This card is also telling you that you need to be more independent with your judgments. You need to start using your intelligence to come up with your opinions. Take the time to research both sides of an issue before you come to a conclusion that way you aren’t biased. Empathy and compassion when coming to these conclusions is not beneficial as it can distract you from the facts. The goal is to stay objective. This card can also be about how we communicate with others. This card encourages you to be honest and blunt. This gets rid of any confusion and miscommunications. The person this card is referring to may talk like this and if that’s the case you need to communicate the same way back. They will appreciate it.

When pulled in reverse this card is about thinking too much with your heart rather than your brain. You are becoming to involved emotionally with the situation you’re in. This card is warning you to think logically more because your emotions could be leading you down the wrong path. Really take some time and think about the situation and what is actually happening, not what your emotions are assuming is happening. Only when you’ve done that will know what you need to do next. This card can also be about someone who is bitter, coldhearted, and resentful. There is a chance you’ve started to isolate yourself more for various reasons but the people who care about you may not understand your motive. Pushing others away could really strain your relationships so you may want to consider talking to those people and letting them know how you’re feeling. 

Sorry for the profanity but I feel like this tarot spread will help you when it comes to using your logical mind. It lets you focus in on what the issue is and gives you tips on how to start making your objective viewpoint. First I would take the queen of swords out of the deck and meditate on it thinking about what this issue/situation/disagreement/whatever is. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! What has the queen of swords been telling you? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you may have. Also, make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Lastly, I have an instagram now! Make sure to check it out. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Tarot Series~ Minor Arcana: Knight of Swords


When pulled upright this card represents someone who is so focused on a certain idea, that they become oblivious to any difficulties; conflicts; or consequences it brings us, as they try to achieve it. This card is about someone full of life and energy but they need to make sure they are balancing themselves out with a good dose of compassion and responsibility. The person this card represents, is someone who once they have set their mind to something there is no stopping them. While this can be a great trait as it shows ambition and dedication it can also have some downfalls. Some of the things this person might be willing to do to achieve their goal could have some very serious consequences. They are likely prone to move ahead without any preparation or foresight, which can put them in a dangerous (or at the very least unpleasant) situation.

When pulled in reverse this card is about someone who is extremely impatient, impulsive, and full of energy. However unlike the person the upright card represents this person has no direction, despite their abundance in energy. This causes a lot of rash decisions which can drag others down with them. This person likely has a lot of scattered thoughts and they don’t tend to take the time to go through them and organize them. It is quite likely that they are a disorganized person. When they do finally have something they want to achieve with all that energy they have they are likely very unprepared due to this lack of organization. 

Here is a tarot spread to help you find some direction for all that energy you have. First I would take out the knight of swords and meditate on it thinking about your directionless energy that you have. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! What has the knight of swords been telling you? Let me know in the comments and along with any other thoughts or questions you may have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Lastly I have made an instagram if any of you want to follow that! Until next time, Blessed Be!

Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Page of Swords


When pulled upright this card is about curiosity and a never ending supply of ideas. It’s about being great at communicating. This person has a lot of nervous energy and their mind is never just empty. They always have something to think about. If this card is representing a message then it could be about gossip, legal matters, and agreements; very sword-esque topics. This card could also serve as a reminder to be alert, to keep your eyes peeled, and to stay vigilant. In addition this card could be about an idea you have that you are really eager to execute. You are really passionate about this project and you cannot wait to tell everyone the progress you’re making with it. This is definitely the time to talk about your or other people’s ideas.

When pulled in reverse this card is about using that alertness and sharpness for deceit and manipulation. Their natural gift with talking may be used negatively as they may become very hurtful. They may not totally realize the pain they are causing, whether that be from immaturity or just ignorance. They are really just focusing on how good they feel after lashing out at others. This person though could also be someone who is full of empty promises. They like to talk the talk but not walk the walk, if you will. This card reminds you to show that there is action behind your words. 

Excuse the potty talk in this tarot spread but I thought it might be relevant in helping you figure out what’s up with that reversed page of swords in your life. First I would take the page of swords out of the deck and meditate on it while thinking about that person who’s… well… being an asshole. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.

Friendly reminder that they don’t have to be a “he”.

That’s all for today! Let me know what the page of swords has been telling you in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you may have. Remember to enter my giveaway for a free tarot reading or reiki session. Also make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications what I post and when I upload videos to youtube.

Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Ten of Swords


When pulled upright is about a major disaster. Something big that wasn’t anticipated has made it’s way into your life. There is a good chance that this disaster has left you feeling betrayed as it is often about someone stabbing you in the back, figuratively of course. This reminds that that no matter how much we wish we did we do not control everything. This situation was unavoidable. Right now you probably have a self pitying attitude. Remember that when something comes to an end that something new will be coming too. Let go of that past and embrace the change as this is the direction your life was meant to go in. 

When pulled in reverse this card is also about defeat. This tragedy was unavoidable and it has been building up for a long time over numerous past events. When reversed though there comes the understanding that you’ve hit rock bottom and there is nothing left that you can give anymore. Despite how terrible that sounds it means that nothing can get worse than this and things will only get better from here on out. But it is key to note that if you want things to start getting better you have to be the one to initiate this change. This is a chance to correct whatever it was that hurt you.

Here is a tarot spread for when you feel like you’re going through a mess. First I would take out the ten of swords and meditate on it thinking about the bad situation you’re going through. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! What has the ten of swords been telling you lately? let me know down below along with any other thoughts or questions you may have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Nine of Swords


When pulled upright is about fear and anxiety, especially about the things that you worry about and that you think of while you’re trying to sleep. This card could be about trauma as well. You might feel self-conscious about this trauma and may be anxious about telling anyone about it as well as the emotional issues you have from the trauma. Swords cards are very much about the mind, logic, and intellect and the nine of swords really focus in on the negative aspects of that. You can’t seem to turn your brain off and are full of questions, and constantly thinking about all the possibilities that could happen. This card is also about how something that troubled you in the past, that you thought you managed to avoid and get past, is becoming an issue again. You should consider talking to someone about it because then at least you don’t have to carry this burden on your own. If this is something that has less to do with trauma and more to do with just general anxiety then you need to think about if this is something that you can control. Is there something that you can do or change that will help alleviate this anxiety? Focus on the things you can control.

When pulled in reverse this card is also about being affected by nightmares, anxiety, and stress. Something traumatic that happened before is resurfacing and overwhelming you. However despite all of this there is more hope than there is with the upright version. In the upright version you are kind of wallowing and not trying to actively feel better, but when the card is in reverse you do have that motivation. However you have to actually take action to see any change. Nothing will get better if you do not make an effort to leave it behind. It is important to remember that even though there is hope of getting through this there is the chance of things getting worse if you don’t make the effort to get through this rut. It is all on you to avoid that. If you push yourself you could find yourself out of this rut but if you don’t push yourself you can sink farther into it. 

Here is a tarot spread to help you get through your anxiety and stress. First I would take out the nine of swords and meditate on it while focusing on your anxieties and stressors in your life right now. Then shuffle and pull using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! Let me know what the nine of swords has been telling you down below along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Also, make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Eight of Swords


When pulled upright this card is about feeling trapped and like a victim. You feel like that the situation you are in needs to change but you are not able to make that change on your own, as it is not in your control. This makes you feel powerless. Feeling like you have no control over what is happening to you has been a big reason the situation keeps getting worse. Giving up your autonomy to a higher power, be it religious; government; or any other kind of authority, means you are giving up your personal responsibility to create that change for yourself. Giving up this control in your life, while it might work for some, is not working for you. You should avoid making big decisions right now as you aren’t thinking as clearly as you should be. The good part of all this is the trapped feeling you have and the lack of control you feel are all self-made and you can fix it all on your own. You need to open your eyes and look beyond the small box you’ve put yourself in. Look at all the possibilities you have and recognize the power you possess within you. 

When pulled in reverse this card is about maturity and self-acceptance. It also is about knowing your own power and responsibilities. This is especially relevant as it usually appears after a long time of self doubt. You can now confidently make decisions because you are now confident in yourself and confident in your power to change your personal world and also the world around you. Now is the time to move on from the past and get excited for all the new changes and experiences to come. 

Here is a tarot spread to help you gain confidence so you can find your inner power. First I would take out the eight of swords and meditate on it while focusing on feeling confident. Then shuffle and pull using your preferred method.


1. The root of insecurity
Where is your anxiety actually coming from?

2. How to tackle this right from the root
A response to this insecurity; an approach you can take to learn from and overcome it.



3 and 4. Your main sources of power
Here you go! Here are two reasons you are awesome; sources of personal strength from which to draw confidence.

5. How to tap into this
It’s all very well knowing your strengths, but how do you use these and boost your confidence? This card offers an approach you can take.

6. One thing you can do right now
Because confidence-building is a slow process and you want to crack on now. Whilst you can adopt the approach suggested by card five slowly and surely, here is one thing to do today to get you on your way.

That is all for today! I hope you enjoyed. What is the eight of swords been telling you lately? Let me down below along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Seven of Swords


When pulled upright this card is about betrayal and deception. This card is typically about you, or someone you are close with, having a hard time getting away with something. Sometimes we have to be sneaky in hopes that no one finds out. However when someone finds out we do have to face the consequences. This tends to happen when you have to react quickly and you act out of character. You may be trying to sneak out of a situation due the the situation no longer working as you thought. Instead of dealing with the issue head on you may try to sneak out of it hoping no one will notice your absence. You are likely hoping the situation will go away with time and you won’t have to deal with it however that is not the case. Ignoring the situation has actually made it worse. When you get this card you really need to think about whether not dealing with the issue is going to turn out okay or make it worse. It may seem like not facing it has worked out for you only to later realize that it’s blown up in your face. In some situations this card can also be about a wanting to “go solo”. You may want to go on an adventure on your own or just wanting to spend more time to yourself. This can be really great to explore your independence.

When pulled in reverse can have a few different meanings. One meaning can be that you need to change the way you’re doing things. The way you’ve been approaching things just isn’t working. This card can also be about a more extreme version of the upright card, in the sense of cunning victory achieved by deception and trickery. On the flip side it can also be about developing a conscience. You or someone you are close with may finally be coming clean about any manipulative things they’ve done. The trust people have had in you may be gone but with this honesty you may start gaining this trust back. This card is really about trying to be more collaborative rather than your usual method of independence. 

Here is a tarot spread dedicated to the seven of swords! First thing I would do is take the card out and meditate on it while thinking about what it is that you’re trying to avoid. Then I would shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! What has the seven of swords been telling you? Let me know along with any other thoughts or questions you have down below. Also, make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube.