Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Two of Pentacles

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When pulled upright this card is about balance. It seems like right now money may be a bit tight but you’ve found a way to balance it out. However you are teetering the edge and one wrong financial decision could ruin that balance. This balance could also be about trying to keep two aspects of your life in balance. It could be anything, your job, school, money, health, love, etc. Regardless this card is saying there are two aspects that you are extremely concerned about. You need to step back from the situation and gain a better perspective. Multitasking seems likes the most efficient course of action but in reality it will just make the situation worse. Take the time to really focus on what it is you’re concerned about. When it comes to the subject of love this card is suggesting that you don’t have the time or energy needed to invest in your partner to make them happy. Your relationship with your partner should be at the top of your priority list but given the stress you’ve been in by keeping everything in balance they have been put to the side a bit. When it comes to your finances this card is saying you need to make sure you are completely aware of the state it is in. Take this time to really watch what you’re spending and secure a steady stream of income so you can make a good foundation for your future. And when it comes to your health this card is reminding you to do some self care. When you have a lot of responsibilities it is easy to stop considering your own needs and wants  but you need to try and find a balance.

When pulled in reverse this card is saying you have too many things you’re trying to do in your life right now. Give yourself a little responsibility free break to de-stress. When it comes to work getting this card in reverse can be a good sign. Try not to commit yourself to a lot of things as it will likely overwhelm you. When it comes to finances this card can suggest that you might be overspending. You really need to think about your income and where it is all being spent as overspending can cause issues in the future.

Here is a tarot spread to help you achieve balance in your life. First I would take the card out and meditate on it thinking about what aspect(s) of your life could use some more balance. Then shuffle and pull the cards using your preferred method.


Thanks for reading! What has the two of pentacles been telling you lately? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you check out my instagram to stay up to date with me, and don’t forget to follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!


Aquamarine is associated with the moon, the colour turquoise, and the element water. It is associated with the god Poseidon/Neptune. It helps with psychic ability, courage, peace, and purification.

Aquamarine is known for enlightenment, spiritual awareness, and making you more in tune with your own emotions. It is great for helping sooth your mind from any worries or stress, it is great for heartache, as well as helping to ease physical pain and discomfort.  It is said to help you with your relationships, be it romantic or platonic. If you are experiencing self doubt or any sort of turmoil aquamarine can counteract it making you feel at peace. This stone is said to increase your intelligence which will help you come up with quick solutions which should help you in your work/school/life in general. This crystal is thought to have such high positive vibrations that it can overpower evil making it a very good protective stone as well.

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When it comes to helping your physical body it is thought that it is an all purpose healing stone. It is said that aquamarine is good to have around if you are pregnant as it helps protect the mother and baby from harm. It is also said to help protect the fetus and prevent miscarriages. Aquamarine is also great for a sore throat or you can use to to complement any treatments for thyroid problems and swollen glands. If you are experiencing aching muscles or tired bones you can try sleeping with aquamarine in the same room as you or under your pillow, or you could hold it over/on the source of the pain for a duration of time.

When it comes to the chakras you can use aquamarine to help heal the throat and the heart chakra. Which chakra your personal aquamarine crystal will be best for healing is dependent on the hues of colour it has. If your aquamarine has more blue tones then it may be better fit for the throat chakra, if it is more green then it may be better suited for the heart chakra.

That’s all for today, I hope you enjoyed! What do you use aquamarine for? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Also, don’t forget to check out my instagram to stay up to date with me and get a glimpse into my personal life. Until next time, Blessed Be!



The Wiccan’s Back to School Shopping List and Other Helpful Tips

It’s that time of the year again where everyone is back to school. Whether you’re in junior high, highschool, or post secondary this list will help you do your best this year. The things in this list are things that will be helpful on their own but some could also be used together to make spells/rituals for school too. Without further ado lets get into it.

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Crystal and Herb Shopping list

  • clear quartz
    • Gives you mental clarity, focus, and helps retain information.
    • Bring the same clear quartz that you use to study with to your tests for a little extra help!
  • Tigers eye
    • Great for studying and research.
    • It keeps you focused and helps filter out mental distractions.
    • It can help you make sense of the information you’re processing.
  • Turquoise
    • It keeps your mind and thoughts clear.
    • Also great as it helps with stress and worry.
    • It is great to have with you while doing a test.
  • Fluorite
    • A great support for all types of research.
    • Any colour of fluorite can be used; pick what you are most drawn to.
  • Earl Grey Tea
    • Helps stimulate the mind, and helps give you confidence.
    • The caffeine can also help you stay awake on hard mornings or late study nights.
  • Grapefruit Peal/essential oil
    • Helps activate your mind as well.
    • When in essential oil form it is also known to promote joy and happiness.
    • If you have a few classes that you aren’t enjoying this might be great to have handy for those periods.
  • St. John’s wort
    • This herb is used as an antidepressant. (do not ingest if already on antidepressants)
    • It can bring light to troublesome problems.
    • Can be great to use when you have an educator that you don’t mesh well with but you need to confront/work with.
  • Lavender
    • This is great for calming and relaxing you when school becomes too much.
    • It can also help you get to sleep for those living in dorms or on those nights when your mind won’t shut up about all the school work you need to do.
  • Lemon Balm
    • This is great for healing your mind and bringing success.
    • This can be great to use after a hard day at school or before tackling a difficult assignment.


If you believe that consecrating your magickal tools makes them more powerful then why not do the same with your school tools. Consecrate your pens, pencils, ruler, calculator, scribblers, etc to make them more powerful!

If you live in dorms and have a roommate then having a permanent altar may not to realistic for you. So having a temporary altar may be more up your speed. You can keep all your altar tools in a shoe box and no one would be the wiser.

If you worship deities then you can also pray to get the support you need with school. I would find the deity in your pantheon that deals with the more logical aspects of life and pray to them. Some examples of deities you may want to pray to are Athena, Lugh, Seshat, Saraswati, Odin, etc.

I also recommend that you meditate. Meditating when you’re overwhelmed, having a hard time focusing, or right before a big test can be super helpful. It clears your mind of all the useless crap and lets you tune in to what is really important.

I’d love to do more school related posts/videos if anyone has anything they’d like to request (spells, how to be a closeted wiccan in secondary and post secondary school, etc). However that is all for today. I hope this helps you a bit this school year. Make sure you follow me here and on instagram so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Peacock Ore

Peacock ore is all about happiness and joy. It is meant to bring you more positivity and to bring happiness to those around you. One of the best things about this crystal is that is gives you the ability to see and appreciate all the joy that it around you. It also helps you see that all is how it should be. It helps you see that everything is up to how you perceive it. If you are using the right perspective (which this stone encourages) then you’ll see there is nothing wrong in your life. Along with it bringing happiness it also helps ground your nervous energy.

This stone is really great when you combine it with chakra healing. This is because even when you use it on one chakra it positively affects them all. It is actually so good at healing chakras that it is nicknamed the chakra stone. It is most connected with the third eye. If you hold this crystal to your third eye while meditating it can help open up your intuition and awaken your inner sight.


If you are going to be doing any magick with peacock ore you’re going to want to do magick that has to do with bringing happiness and positive emotions in general. It’s great for self love magick and magick to remove stress. This is also a great crystal to have handy if you’re going to be doing any divination.

That is all for today! Do you use peacock ore in your practice? Let me know down below along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and upload videos to youtube. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Tarot Series~Minor Arcana: Nine of Swords


When pulled upright is about fear and anxiety, especially about the things that you worry about and that you think of while you’re trying to sleep. This card could be about trauma as well. You might feel self-conscious about this trauma and may be anxious about telling anyone about it as well as the emotional issues you have from the trauma. Swords cards are very much about the mind, logic, and intellect and the nine of swords really focus in on the negative aspects of that. You can’t seem to turn your brain off and are full of questions, and constantly thinking about all the possibilities that could happen. This card is also about how something that troubled you in the past, that you thought you managed to avoid and get past, is becoming an issue again. You should consider talking to someone about it because then at least you don’t have to carry this burden on your own. If this is something that has less to do with trauma and more to do with just general anxiety then you need to think about if this is something that you can control. Is there something that you can do or change that will help alleviate this anxiety? Focus on the things you can control.

When pulled in reverse this card is also about being affected by nightmares, anxiety, and stress. Something traumatic that happened before is resurfacing and overwhelming you. However despite all of this there is more hope than there is with the upright version. In the upright version you are kind of wallowing and not trying to actively feel better, but when the card is in reverse you do have that motivation. However you have to actually take action to see any change. Nothing will get better if you do not make an effort to leave it behind. It is important to remember that even though there is hope of getting through this there is the chance of things getting worse if you don’t make the effort to get through this rut. It is all on you to avoid that. If you push yourself you could find yourself out of this rut but if you don’t push yourself you can sink farther into it. 

Here is a tarot spread to help you get through your anxiety and stress. First I would take out the nine of swords and meditate on it while focusing on your anxieties and stressors in your life right now. Then shuffle and pull using your preferred method.


Thanks for checking out today’s post! Let me know what the nine of swords has been telling you down below along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Also, make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post. Until next time, Blessed Be!

Grieving as a Wiccan

Lately I’ve been grieving a lot. This last month or two has been pretty hard. So today I want to talk to you about that. I’ve wanted to talk about it for a while but I wasn’t sure how to format it. So I’m just deciding to write. It may be super long or super short but I think writing this will get it off my chest. My writing style may be a bit different than it usually is, it may not be… I dunno. Regardless I hope you don’t mind.

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The Thursday before the Easter weekend I was contacted by my family, while at work, that my great grandmother wasn’t doing very well. She’s hasn’t been super healthy for a couple years now but nothing crazy. However this time was different. My mom usually tells me that it isn’t anything to worry about yet, but this time she said I might want to come home and see her. So there I was in front of my preschoolers that I teach and I just cried. I told them what was wrong and let me tell you, 4 year olds are so compassionate and loving. They loved me and snuggled me all day long. It was so beautiful. I went to see her that weekend. I live about 3 hours away from my family. My partner and little sister went in with me to see her. She had a hard time talking cause her breathing was very laboured but we had a great visit. That’s the last time I will see my great grandmother. She’s still alive though. When I went to see her she was at her home. Now she is in a hospital and has been for a couple weeks now. My mom says she isn’t the same nan we know and love and that she wouldn’t want me to see her this way. She’s in a lot of pain and is just waiting to die. Every morning I wake up and check my phone to see if I have a message telling me she’s passed. I hope she does soon so she can be at peace. She really hates hospitals. So this is when my grieving started.

Back in March one of the little girls at my preschool (we’ll call her Mabel for privacy sake) went to Florida with her family for a trip. The second day in she got very sick and started having seizures. She had to be put in the hospital. She had what they call F.I.R.E.S. I am not super knowledgeable on what it is. All I know is it’s rare, it started as a common cold, and she had seizures, also 30% of those who get it die from it. However I didn’t know that at the time. It never occurred to me that she would die. Maybe that is naive but that’s how I felt. For two months I had very few updates other than a gofundme page and occasionally something would get written on her classroom attendance sheet about it. Then I came in to work last Friday (the 10th) and was told she didn’t make it. Mabel was 4 years old. I know a dead 4 year old. I was nervous for my kids to find out. I didn’t want them to be sad or scared they were going to die. But when you’re 4 years old 2 months is a long time and a lot of them didn’t remember Mabel very well. I was lucky in that sense so instead of being sad they just had a lot of questions which was a lot easier to deal with. This last Thursday (the 16th) I went to Mabel’s funeral. I wore a pink dress (everyone was in bright pinks and purples as requested by Mabel’s family). It was one of the saddest things I have ever experienced.


I’m telling you all of this for a couple reasons. One reason is that talking about this I hope will be a little therapeutic for me. I also wanted everyone to understand why my posting has been so inconsistent these last few weeks (also why it may continue to be inconsistent when my nan passes). But also I wanted to share how I am coping as a Wiccan (or if I’m not already doing these things they are things I want to start doing to cope).

What is helping me cope with Nan is first and foremost I know that her passing is going to bring her peace. But also I know that her soul will reincarnate and I will meet it again whether in this life or the next. I’m really trying to focus on the fact that she lived such a great and beautiful life and not on the fact that she’ll be gone.

What is helping me the most when it comes to coping about Mabel is also related to reincarnation but it is a bit different. If you’ve read my post about the signs you are an earth angel you will know that many of these people die as a child. When I think about Mabel, and the beautiful energy her soul had, I confidently feel she had the soul of an angel. Without a doubt. So despite the fact that I don’t totally understand how she died, I can understand why she died and that to me brings great peace.

However other than thinking about these things I have not done much to cope but have just not been thinking about it and it’s probably not the most healthy method of healing. Things that I want to start incorporating into my coping process that you can try too is reiki (be it self reiki or receiving reiki from someone else). I also want to pray more. As I’ve mentioned in my post about my relationship with praying , I tend to stray away from it because it reminds me of Christianity. I think grieving may be a great way for me to change that relationship with prayer because at the end of the day you can pray to whoever or whatever you want, not just the Christian god. So I’d like to reach out to Gaia and Pan more for strength and you can do the same with whoever you matron or patron is. I think meditating and grounding myself will also help me stabilize my emotions. And the last thing I want to suggest for myself and for you is divination. Do spreads to help sort through your emotions. Do spreads for how to cope. Do spreads to talk to those that have passed on if you think that will give you closure. Do a spread to see how your future will be after you’ve moved forward from this hard time.

I hope that this post gives you some ideas on how to cope with what you’re struggling with and also lets you know that even if it feels like you’re all alone and no one understands that there are people who get it (yikes that was cheesy but bear with me). Let me know down below how you use your Wiccan/Pagan faith to get you through times of grief along with any other thoughts or questions you have. Make sure you follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. And until next time, Blessed Be!




Lavender has numerous associations; some of which are listed below.

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Astrological sign: Virgo

Macgick: Sleep, long life, peace, wishes, protection, love, purification, visions, attracting men, clarity of thought.

There are various uses for lavender in a magickal sense. For example, lavender can be used as an herb to infuse water that is being used to purify objects and spaces. Dried lavender sticks can be burned for smudging and as incense. It is used in spells for sharpening the mind, to encourage and strengthen pure love, and to encourage fertility. You can also use lavender in diffusers or in a bath to help with stress or depression. It can be used as well in spells or by stuffing it in a pillow to aid in sleep and sooth headaches. Lavender is an herb often used by people who do necromancy. It is a good herb to use to get in touch with spirits, to send them messages, and it is said carrying lavender, on your person, can improve your ability to see them.

Hope you guys enjoyed this addition to our book of shadows. What do you use lavender for? Let me know in the comments along with any other thoughts or comments you have. Make sure to follow me here and on twitter so you get notifications when I post and when I upload videos to youtube. And until next time, Blessed Be!

Green Obsidian

Green obsidian is used a lot during reiki to help balance the heart chakra specifically but also the throat chakra too. This stone removes hooks and ties caused from other people. It is great for treating the gallbladder and the heart. Not only is it great for relaxation and stress but it helps ease insomnia, protects you from nightmares, promotes the ability to flow with change, it promotes confidence, and helps you with the idea that everything is alright.

This stone is great for people who want personal counselling but don’t seem to be getting anywhere as it will help them really tackle their problems and help them become more self reliant. It is also great at keeping people away that will only drag you down with their own personal crises. Keep this crystal on you if you work with people (especially troubled ones) to keep your energies light and positive.

Lastly, if you worship Gaia, like myself, and you want to have some sort of tribute to her on your altar or make a little gaia jar this is a great crystal to put in it!

Tarot Series~Major Arcana Card 14: Temperance


When pulled upright this card is about how you are able to remain calm during times of stress and anxiety. You have mastered not letting things get to you. This card talks about moderation, balance, and patience. Extremity in any situation can be avoided when you pull this card. This card says you have a clear vision of know what you want to achieve. You have found peace with what you are doing and everything is unfolding as it should. When in reference to other people this cards says you can work in harmony with your community, coworkers, and loved ones. Your calmness gives others comfort. This card may also suggest it is time to re-evaluate the priorities you have chosen. Doing this will help you create a balance between your inner and outer self. You will find a greater purpose and meaning in your actions.

When pulled in reverse this card is about a reflection on something that is out of balance which may be causing stress and anxiety. This causes you a lack of purpose and leaves you feeling unbalanced as you search for what you should be doing. You need to reflect and think on what needs to be changed. All things are good in moderation and we need to examine our lives to find where we’re imbalanced.

Here is a spread that focuses on the temperance card. This spread is great for creative issues. I would first take this card out of the deck and meditate on it while thinking about what creative issues you are having. Then shuffle and pull the cards as you see fit.


Card 1: This card represents the inspired you, ideas or a goal, or ways to renew your creativity, a different way of looking at things.

Cards 2 and 3: Card 2 represents the fire, and card 3 the water, the two elements that go into your work, a central tension and theme to explore.

Card 4: This card is the solid base, your knowledge and learning, training and past experience, the technical skills that will go into this.

Card 5: This card represents the deep draughts of water through your roots, the connection to soul, and numinous experiences. This is the part of the process where things go under for a while, mostly unknown to you, to resurface later cleansed and energized and shining. This process cannot be controlled or forced, but it can be nourished.



Amethyst is used in many ways but it’s main use is protection. It is linked to the crown chakra so it can help balance that chakra as well by purifying the mind and clearing negative thoughts. These negative thoughts can come from stress and anxiety which makes it great to help with those troubles as well. Where the stone is also associated with abundance it is good specifically for work related stress; it gets rid of stress while attracting prosperity.  Amethyst can be used to increase psychic awareness, to sharpen the ‘sixth sense’. Because of this, many people keep a crystal with their I-Ching, tarot, or Rune tools. It is considered a very spiritual stone.

An amethyst in the family room can assist in familial bonding time, and provide the confidence and calm necessary for open communication. Amethyst in the office will bring intuition for making tough, gut decisions in business, and stress-relief for long work days. Placing an amethyst somewhere in the bathroom is another way to relieve anxiety during a soothing bath.

Sorry for the lack of tarot reading posts! I’ve been moving so it’s hard to have time to do the readings and now I am on the road travelling for 6 weeks. My tarot reading series will restart in September and for now I will work on adding more to the book of shadows on Sunday’s. Merry Meet and Blessed Be!